Two Souls Added To The Kingdom Studying The Way Of Salvation...

Beloved in Christ,

Greetings from my co-WBSFUW and staff and students of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan.

The WBS seminar held at the Onikokoro / Gbongudu area of Ibadan on May 14 was attended by 56 youth out of which 16 WBS students present. Brother Kayode Eniafe spoke on “Heaven / Hell,” while brother Lawrence Dada spoke on “Steps unto Salvation,” and I, brother Makinde, spoke on “Worship of the New Testament Church.” The first ten participants were blessed with Bibles. All the participants went home with a copy of VOTI. vol. 87 and a light refreshment was served at the end of the program to all participants.

At a day WBS seminar of May 18, 2016 at Butubutu village, I, brother Makinde, and brother Kayode repeated our topic of May 14, while brother Dele Shotola spoke on “Way of Salvation.” Over 50 people sat down to listen to that preaching which resulted in the conversion of two young boys.

Copies of VOTI vol. 87, tract on “Identification Marks of NT Church,” by Mission Printing, and light refreshments were freely distributed to all participants at the end of the exercise, plus ten Bibles to the first ten participants including the two converts.

Brethren, we thank you all for your partnership and cares. May the Lord continue to use us for His glory is our fervent prayer in Jesus name, Amen.

Your co-laborer in Christ 's vineyard,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Minister)

Posted on May 22, 2016 .