Eighty Preachers And Church Leaders Assemble For A Special Study...

Greetings from Tamale to all workers in the Lord's vineyard.

This weekend was full of joy as the Institute hosted over eighty preachers and church leaders from the three Northern Regions of Ghana. Also in attendance were the current students.

The Institute organized a seminar on the theme, "The Threat of Pentecostalism in the Churches of Christ in Ghana.”

This seminar became necessary because of the fast rate at which some members are developing interest in issues related to Pentecostalism.

Speakers for the 3- Day Seminar were:

Brother Francis Ayine - “What is Pentecostalism?”
Brother Gyan - Kesse (Elder, Bomso Church of Christ) “The Purpose of Miracles in the New Testament.”
Brother Baah Joseph Okyere - “Miracles in the New Testament  have Ceased.” 
Brother Steven   Ashcraft -  “Speaking of Tongues is not Gibberish.”
Brother  Agyei - “Water Baptism and Not the Holy Spirit Baptism is the One Baptism.”
Brother Jacob Yeboah - “The Need to take the Lord's Supper.”

Apart from these topics, a forum was created for participants to discuss prevailing problems they encountered in the various congregations and the possible solutions to these problems.

Another issue of significance was a briefing on the National Registration of the Churches of Christ in Ghana. On this, the speaker Brother Gyan Kesse advised participants not to be part of any strange activity, but to continue to live only by the teaching and practices of the New Testament.

Participants went to their various destination spiritually satisfied.

Baah Joseph Okyere

Posted on May 22, 2016 .