Vocational training in Nigeria

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from students and staff of Bear Valley Bible Institute of Nigeria & Southwest School of Evangelism, Ibadan, Oyo State. We closed all first semester classes and tests on Friday afternoon, October 14, 2016.

VOCATIONAL WEEKS:Twelve students are now with me for their vocational training in Electrician, Tailoring, Welding, Computing, Aluminum work, and Video Coverage & Editing. Ten are with Bro. Kayode Solomon Eniafe for Agric and NAPPMED while five are also in the campus for Agric (Fisheries ,etc)  and the remain aged students return to their congregations to help in evangelism.

ONIKOKORO /GBONGUDU CONGREGATION : Bro. Emmanuel Okpachui led in songs at yesterday open-air Bible lectureship and Bro. Lawrence Dada taught on "Save yourselves from this. crooked generation" while Bro. Iyiola Segun served as the interpreter. On Sunday, October 16, 2016, Bro.Emmanuel Okpachui taught the woman on Preacher's responsibilities to the church while Bro. Makinde Emmanuel taught the men class and Bro.  Godwin Ofem handled the children class . We are 56 in attendance with a total collection of N4,470.

AT ASEJIRE IN OSUN STATE: Bro.Kayode Solomon Eniafe reported the conversion of a soul at Asejire congregation as the result of our studentsoutreach of Saturday.

We thank you all for your love and cares. May The Lord continue to bless our work together in Jesus Christ name, amen.

I remain your fellow soldier of Master Jesus ,
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies)
BVBIN & SWSE,Ibadan,Oyo State.

Posted on October 24, 2016 .