Students progress in Wotutu, Cameroon

Dearest  in Christ,

      Greetings from your brothers and sisters from this part of the world Cameroon. We do hope you are fine and God is using you to accomplish His work in many ways as you serve Him.

     We are doing fine this way and we are glad to report to you what God is doing here through us as vessels in His hands. Students are extremely busy in school as they are rounding up with long courses in few weeks and thereafter the last course will be marriage and family. Brother David Ballard, the coordinator, will be in Cameroon to teach that to our current students alongside their wives . Keep this in your prayers for success.

      Last week all the students are doing fine in their studies but few still having trouble with health, except brother Martin who traveled to his village to help the wife because there was a serious accident in Cameroon where a train went off the rails and many people died. His son was in the train he sustained serious injuries and is in the hospital for medical attention. Keep that family in your prayers please.

   This weekend some students went to 5 different locations, while I took a group of students to a virgin land in Ombe village to preach and teach and to establish a new congregation. It was a call from a brother who just moved there with his wife and cannot afford to go to Mutengene for worship. We are always ready for calls like this , so we made it to that village and Christ was felt by many.

Your brother,


BVBI-Wotutu, Cameroon

Posted on October 24, 2016 .