The Influence Of The Gospel Is Spread Through Young And Old...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings in the great name of Jesus to you from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu, Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great in health and your services to the Lord. We are doing great here with challenges, but God is in control.

Last week in school went on well. Students are a bit stable in their health as they continue to take both drugs and herbs in their situations. Students are growing daily and they are excited to be here with the sound studies and great opportunities for evangelism in different communities in Cameroon.

Students in BVBIC-Wotutu are almost winding up the second quarter. They were out for a field trip to a poultry farm. Brother Foka is teaching vocational studies to the students. When we are done with the poultry farm, we shall continue with gardening.

Our students are excited, singing and praising God as they trek on stony roads to do house-to-house evangelism. Keep praying for them as they are always excited to go and rob from the strong man’s house. Weekend evangelism continues to expose our students to the reality of the mission field.

Meeting people in their home is our joy, so that they can bring out their own Bible as we study with them. They will be able to see the truth in their own version of the Bible where they have confidence. Pointing to the Bible is our habit.

A 78 year old was amazed with brother Gladson, our student, as he was able to expose the truth to this man. He asked a question in this village of Teke, “Where has the Church of Christ been all these years? We are having a study with him every time a student goes to that village.

After morning devotion at Brightland Christian Academy, the teachers move from one child to another to check the cleanliness. Brightland Christian Academy will be graduating their second batch of kids on the 16 of June. Keep this school in your prayers and your thoughts as we are using the children to get the gospel to their parents. The children love it and they keep coming to our children’s class on Sunday.

Brother Ngu Daniel in Wotutu, who obeyed the gospel, comes every evening to be part of the evening devotions with our students. He asked them to pray for him while he prepares for his public exams. That was an ample opportunity for the students to start studying with him. He obeyed the gospel, making his history to be the second person in their family to become a Christian. Keep him in your prayers that more doors will be open for us to teach and preach in that family.

Our speakers are all bad, making it difficult for the waves of our radio program “Back to the Bible” to be effective again. Through this program we reach out to many daily during the early hours of 5 am.

Praise God we just got some Bibles for new converts. Brother Daniel and brother Filden were baptized during the course of the week and received new Bibles, which will help them grow as the church continues to help them eat the food needed for their systems to grow. I handed the Bible to them. Thanks to those who allowed us to have these Bibles. God bless them and replenish their sources.

Brother Moli Simon is our convert in Buea central prison where brother Vincent is working as a prison evangelist. Today, brother Vincent handed brother Simon and Tem Eugene Bibles, as they were all released from the prison. His village is in Bonjongo, which is not too far from Wotutu The nearest congregation to him is Wotutu. He had a house before he was jailed, and now he has returned and it is in poor condition. Please, please, urgent help is needed to accommodate him and we trust God has opened a way for us to pass through him to reach out to this community, so if we can help repair this house, the future congregation can start worshipping there. Pray and keep it in your thoughts.

1) We have the annual preachers forum in Douala this weekend.

2) We have the annual preacher’s wives forum in Lobe at the end of the month.

3) We are still planning to make the trip to Idenau on the west coast of Cameroon for evangelism. Now, with the presence of the van, it is easier. God is faithful.

It is always my joy to say thank you Lord for these good people that He uses to make His name known in Cameroon. I thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God to this extent in spreading His saving message. God alone will replenish and reward you a hundredfold. Thanks for all you do for the old rugged cross. Do your best  share with others what is happening here.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 10, 2015 .