Outreach Begins After The Earthquake In Nepal...

Greetings brothers,

Six students and myself made an earthquake relief work camp in the Makwanpur district, central Nepal and the Tanahun district, west Nepal for four days from May 5th - 8th 2015. We were able to visit six different congregations. We didn't visit each and every single house of our Christian believers and other people. We collected reliable information from our Christian leaders and graduate students which are listed below:

Totally destroyed houses numbers: 23
Cracked houses numbers: 142 
Safe houses numbers: 32

There are all total 197 Christian houses. We found some of their earthquake victim's neighbors. We plan to provide them tarpaulin for rain protection and rice for their daily basic needed food. They don't have food to eat. Unfortunately we were not able to get tarps in the market. So, we decided to provide them bags of rice for each family. We purchased 7300 kilograms of rice, which is cost of $3000. We handed it over to our Christian leaders and they distributed according to their needs.

We are thinking about their family situations. Monsoon - rainy season will begin in the month of June. We don't know what brothers will eat and where they will stay during monsoon. Please kindly suggest us. 

Thank you brothers for your regular help. Now we are planning to go and do earthquake relief work at Rasuwa and Dhading districts, mountain areas. Please kindly pray and provide us financial aid to help those who are really in need. 

All are welcome to support and help us. We need your help. Thank you.

Gajendra Deshar, Director 
Nepal Center for Biblical Studies - NCBS.
E-mail: gajendra_deshar@yahoo.com

Posted on May 10, 2015 .