Students, Chicken Coop, Farming, And Translation Team Add Up...

I hope this finds you safe and sound, as you travel from one place to another and share good news for the Kingdom’s sake. Back here we are fine. The following is the short report for this week.

We had 13 students in the first year class. We lost one this week, he was not able to keep up with the school. He has written a letter asking if he can come back next year in the Swahili class. Alex Sadat also went back home because he has taken all the classes which are being taught in this quarter. He will be back in October so that he can take the book of Revelation which he did not take.

Students have started going out on our weekly evangelism.

Chicken coop
We were able to finish the construction of the coop for the layers of which we have already both the layers. This month we have also been able to cut down meat expenses by not buying any beef. That has reduced almost 200,000/- in our budget.

We have planted corn over the last two weeks since we were expecting the rain that time, but it did not rain. The seeds have been burnt by the sun. The weather shows that we might have some good rain in the next few coming days, therefore we have bought new seeds and are planting them these two days.

Translation Team
The translation team is still busy as usual. We have been able to finish the book of Ephesians, 1 & 2 Chronicles, 1 & 2 Kings, and Christian Growth (52 week’s lessons). All these are ready and saved on my hard drive.

The Team’s priority list is as follows:

1. Finishing up with the Spiritual Discipline outlines (ready by March 30th)

2. Translating 5 lessons as recommended by you from our brother Rudy (Back to the Bible)

        Charles will be translating the introduction lesson and Lesson 1

        Michael will be translating Lessons 4 & 5

        Godfrey will be translating Lessons 2 & 3

These lessons should be ready by April the 5th, proofed, and saved on my hard drive.

3. Since next quarter the Swahili class will be studying from the book of 1 & 2 Corinthians we are also working on 1 Corinthians.

        Charles will be translating the Introduction through chapter 4

        Michael will be translating chapters 5-10

        Godfrey will be translating chapters 11-16

This book should be ready, translated, proofed, and saved by April 11th.

We are still facing some hardship using our Macbook since we do not have the office program.

In the past, we also requested some dictionaries, which will help the team to be more effective.

Mkunde has been doing a great work, but she is not in our budget. She just finished her work this week and my plan was to tell her to stop working until you come back since we do not have anything to pay her. I have asked Ahimidiwe to give her 200,000/- from the school’s budget for this time until we hear from you. Before you left, we discussed about her and you said you will include her pay on the translation team while the translation team article is not seen in the school’s draw.

These are just a few for this week. Thank you for all that you do in the Lord’s Vineyard.

Your servant in Him,

Posted on March 15, 2015 .