Please Pray On Behalf Of Several With The TZ2000 Team...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We thank you for your prayers and participation in the work of God where you serve and where you support. God is able, willing, and doing a great ministry in Tanzania and throughout East Africa and for your partnership in this we thank Him and we thank you. 

The last week has been a blessing in many ways. My travels brought me to TN, AL, and TX. I have been blessed by many brothers and sisters in Christ in so many ways. It was so good to be with the church in Longview, Keller, and Seagoville, TX. I was saddened not to be able to make my appointment at College Station where our good brother John Hall ministers due to a family emergency. 

While leaving Ft. Worth for College Station last Friday, I received a phone call that my dad was admitted to the hospital and was to have emergency surgery. It has been a roller coaster ride for the last few days, very much touch and go. The great news is the surgery to open up a completely blocked cardiac artery has been successful and if all continues as is, my dad (Claude Stafford) should leave ICU today and move to a regular room. For all your prayers, we say thank you and to our God we say thank you for answered prayers. 

The news from Tanzania continues to be good, God is doing so much. Gasper Julius writes: ”Hello brother, we thank God again this Sunday as I received a good report from the Ngorongoro congregation that one brother has obeyed the gospel. Please pray for this new congregation and this new brother in Christ. Yours in the Lord, Gasper

The news from the Andrew Connally School continues to be good with thirteen first year students and fifteen second year students actively engaging in their course work. The evangelistic outreach program is fully underway; each student connected and serving with one of the eleven areawide congregations. They go each week doing personal Bible studies and serve where asked during the Bible class and worship hour on Sunday. GOOD NEWS: We now only lack $4,500 to secure the needed funds to purchase a school van to escort the men on their evangelistic work. The van will also take these men along with ACSOP staff to their home congregations during the breaks conducting gospel meetings. Another blessing with be the transport it will provide for our many short term workers when in country doing God’s will and work. 

We solicit your prayers on behalf of Sean and Anita Hochdorf. Anita had a procedure to hopefully relieve her of some of her back pain. Sean is in need a neck surgery as well. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Sean at:

Also, please remember our good brothers Cotton Box and Gene Davis as they struggle with some very serious health issues. We know our God is able and we know His will, will be done. 

Thank you all for you prayers and support of God’s mission efforts where you are, in TZ, and throughout the world. When our God is glorified in what we do, really good things happen. It is our hope and prayer that our God blesses you all with a great week of service in His Kingdom this week to the saving of some lost soul. 

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on March 15, 2015 .