Planting The Seed Of God's Word To The Kateshi People...

As we were doing it, the words of Paul came on my mind “I planted, Appollos watered, but God gave the increase” 1 Corinthians 3:6 (NKJV). Me and my coworker, Michael Lesotwa, had a wonderful opportunity this week to visit one of our graduates, Emmanuel Dagati, who is now a preacher at Kateshi. His family, relatives, and village people prepared a party just to congratulate him for his completion of his studies at ACSOP.  

We had an opportunity to preach to these 250 souls who attended the party. I was asked to preach about the One True Church of the Bible, and my brother Michael had to answer a very important question which was asked as I was ending my sermon -“what must I do to be saved?” I thank brother Michael who handled that question very well, telling them how to be added to the one true church. So we emphasized to the people the need to go back to the Bible and search the truth. I had carried over 500 Bible tracts of different topics and I am telling you they were not enough at all. These people are thirsty to hear the truth and to obey it. We prayed for our brother Emmanuel for his new work of winning more souls to the Kingdom and handed him to the community to hear him preach it from the Bible.

Kateshi is a big district in the Manyara region and has a population of about 600,000 people with many different belief systems. The church has been in existence in that area since 2007 with a total of 35 adults and 7 children attending worship service every first day of the week. But the uniqueness of this people is that they are ready to hear it being preached. Let us continue to pray for Emmanuel and other graduate students as they fight the devil in their local community. Pray for two camps (FPTC & TCC) which will begin next week back to back. More than 150 kids are going to attend and learn.

Thank you again to the sponsors of these students who made it possible for these students to receive the training they need to win more souls to the Lord.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International Extension School
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on December 6, 2015 .