Opportunities Continue To Make An Exciting Program...

Students returned to classes over the past week in Denver after a time of research and celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. These men now finish up the last two weeks of the quarter before the end of the year. The quarter went by quickly, and these men are ready for a brief end-of-the-year break before hitting it hard for another quarter of studies in January. The first week of January will introduce several new students to the Bear Valley program. We ask you to pray for those who are headed this way to begin their two-year journey.

Reports below indicate another powerful week for extension training. From Africa and Ukraine to Paraguay, South America, staff and students alike are affecting souls for eternity. Among all the areas of training and outreach around the world, we are thankful to partner with these men in the development of training preachers. The opportunities God continues to provide make for an exciting program.

As we close out the last few weeks of the year, we anticipate the exciting news of a year-end report that shares news about all that was accomplished in 2015. We also look forward to the continued development of the extension program in the year ahead. With the development of new schools in 2016, the program is taking shape in reaching our goals for training men to preach the gospel on a global scale.

We appreciate your prayers and support of this work. We pray you are encouraged by all we do together for the cause of our Lord.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Completing Their First Year Of Studies, Student Go For A Three-Week Campaign: After a short-course with Randy Martin, students begin a major evangelistic push in Cameroon.

Preparing For The End-Of-The-Year Campaign In Mbanga: Staff and students get ready for an evangelistic effort in French-speaking Cameroon to share the gospel of Christ.

Three Graduate From The Master’s Program In Ukraine: While facing challenges in the Ukrainian work, three graduated from the Master’s program and one will assist BVBIU.

Another Batch Of Students Enter The Journey Of Training In Togo: Twelve men recently began their training, and the largest number of Christians make up this class.

Students In Paraguay Begin Their Fourth Quarter Of Studies: The morale of staff and students in Asunción, Paraguay is high as students near the end of their first year of studies.

ACSOP Graduates Fifteen Faithful Evangelists The Last Of November: Another group of men completed the program in Arusha, Tanzania and now begin the task of evangelizing the lost.

Planting The Seed Of God’s Word To Kateshi People: As graduates from ACSOP in Tanzania enter the ministry, it is exciting to see the receptivity of the people they teach.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for all you do for the Bear Valley Bible Institute, especially the emphasis you share in the extension work of BVBI. Your contributions to the development of training men to preach the gospel are impacting the world. Without you, the success of this program would fall short on every level. Thank you for trusting in Bear Valley.

God bless

Posted on December 6, 2015 .