Making Known God's Eternal Purpose...

One of the biggest events in the history of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver occurs in two weeks. The annual lectureship for the Bible Institute is set to kick off on Thursday evening, September 18th. The significance of this event is the fact it marks the 50th year of training preachers in Denver. More than one thousand men received training over the last 50 years and many of them continue to preach the gospel on every continent except Antarctica.

The lectureship features several men throughout the brotherhood with a focus on the book of Ephesians and the theme: “Making Known God’s Eternal Purpose.” The lectureship runs through Sunday, September 21st, and we invite all of you to attend and share in this special occasion for the Bible Institute. More information can be read by clicking on the following word - lectureship.

This week’s report highlights news from several locations, along with a couple reports from coordinators / regional directors. Like each week, the news continues to demonstrate the power of God’s word transforming the lives of those who are taught the gospel. Reading how God gives the increase is exciting and we are all encouraged by the opportunity to work together with these brethren. We urge you to pray for them as they labor so diligently.

Because there are so many reports this week, and we urge you to read them all, we will not drag out a longer introduction.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

To read the latest report from Howell Ferguson, please click here.

To read the latest report from Steven Ashcraft, please click here.

Extension Reports 

Ten Souls Added To The Kingdom In Cameroon: Over the course of three days, the work in Cameroon continues to blossom as souls are led to Christ.

Extending The Program In Nigeria: The administration of the Southwest School of Evangelism has extended its program into other parts of Nigeria to train men to preach.

Visiting Instructor Not Hindered By The Weather: Although the original plans for evangelism were hindered by the weather, it did not stop Jerry and Paula Bates from helping in Nepal.

Classes Begin In The Midst Of Turmoil: After moving to Ternopil from the war torn parts of Eastern Ukraine, classes began on schedule with the BVBIU.

East Africa Gospel Meeting Bears Fruit: Francis Wechesa, from the Uganda School of Evangelism visited the EAGM in Arusha, Tanzania and the time was fruitful.

Missions Within Missions: The Word Of The Month: In and around the work of the Asunción Bible Academy, the mission of God is occurring.

There Is No Place Like Home, In Tanzania: After a safe trip home, Cy Stafford shares news about the ways God is blessing the work in the ACSOP.

Adjustments And Providence: Witnessing the working of God in the lives of those who need help is always encouraging, and such is the case with the Gaines’ family.

Final Thoughts 
This was a busy, but rewarding week for the overall program. There is also a sense of joy and excitement when reading through the reports to see how God is working around the world. Thank you for taking time to read the reports and thank you for your involvement in the extension program. We love and appreciate you for the blessing you are to us and to those around the world. 

God bless

Posted on September 7, 2014 .