The Prison Ministry Yields Fruit In Wonderful Ways...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end. We do hope this mail finds you in good health and sound faith. God is faithful and the work He entrusted in our hands is moving smoothly and gradually.

Last week officially ended the 7th quarter, as elder Randy Martin came and taught the book of Hebrews. It was a great book and it was great with our students, as they testified their understanding and how they will use the book in their ministries to teach many sermons that are found in the book.

As I write this mail, the campus is completely empty. Our students made it to their 26 different locations for a 13 day house-to-house evangelism in towns and villages. Keep them in your prayers for good health as they reach out practically with what they have studied in school.

Randy Martin is from the overseeing congregation of the school of preaching here. He made his final speech to our students after the course, giving them encouragement to remain only with the truth. We praise God that he departed our shores safe and sound and made it home to Minnesota without any problem. God is awesome.

After prayers, handshakes, and embraces with the elder were also characterized with farewell speeches. A family picture was taken raising our thumbs up a strong sign for “we are not alone.”

Thereafter,  motorcycles took our students off from Wotutu with cartons of Mission Printing tracts to their destinations. Our students will always smile as they move out for mission work, which is characterized with house-to-house evangelism. They go for souls who are still in darkness and also nurture existing congregations.

I preached in the Buea central prison today. Again, I met a kind officer who allowed me to get inside with my camera. The total population that listened to my 25 minutes exhortation was 111. Keep this work in your prayers as the needs are increasing. The brethren are lamenting of hunger because the government cannot give them enough food that can sustain the inmates. Today, we took some hymns, Bibles, bread, and some raw food.

Brother Jolan Mukete, who obeyed the gospel, said, “oh what a God.” He said, “the day he goes out he will love to serve the Lord his entire life.” He said, “I should get him correspondent courses to be doing in prison, so that when he is out he will just enroll in CBIW to study the Bible deep. Keep him in your prayers. With tears I baptized him into Christ.

Brother Okon Bassey, a Nigerian who was arrested because he does not have resident permit in Cameroon (Cameroon is a very lawful country), said he does not have any one to contact. From his physical look, this brother is in pains, but he was happy to find the truth and love among the brethren. One of the brethren invited him to come after our Wednesday evangelism. Keep him in your prayers, so that we can be of help to him. Today, 10 precious souls obeyed the gospel in prison. Wow! This is what God can do.

Peter Njoku was one of our suppliers to the construction and has studied with us for the past one year. He finally obeyed the truth and his wife said, “go ahead, I may come behind.” Keep his family in your prayers. He is the first to become a Christian from a staunch Catholic family. So by this weekend a total of 11 souls were added in the prison congregation and Wotutu.

Brightland Christian Academy is our small school where my wife and I are struggling to make an impact in the little ones in our communities. This academic started well. Because of this school, many young minds will be colonized before they are spoiled with all kinds of crazy doctrines. Please, please pray for this effort because it will directly affect the church of tomorrow. It is better to train children than to repair an adult. Please, we are struggling to make this school strong so that it will touch many lives. Many things are still to be put in place. If you have some teaching aids for children and other things that you know can enhance teaching among kids, please kindly send them to us. My son Raymond Cris Jr. and Breedlove are part of the school. In the morning, the children have devotionals and during their lunch break, purely the way the church of Christ worships. That is what is done there during devotionals. Please come help us. The fees are affordable because we are making quality education and introducing Christ to many, both parents and kids. Help some orphans and underprivileged go to school. Please, help if you can in any way.

We are still planning for a mass evangelism in Lebialem to establish a new congregation. This is a place which is purely Roman Catholics. Please pray for us as we shall be going there in November. Transportation for the entire CBIW will surely be our problems for all of us.

God alone will bless you and keep you strong for all your prayers and support to this work. If not for you, I doubt what has happened would happen with this work. God will reward you and replenish your all.

Do your best to share this with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on September 14, 2014 .