Preparations Are Made For Graduation At WCSOP...

Dear Brethren,

We are happy again to report on the activities of the school for the month of August 2014, which happened to be the last month of the 2013/2014 academic year. Thirteen of our students were completing the two-year course. As such, activities during the month centered on the school since these students were to write their final examinations.

Both the instructors and the students were punctual to classes. All of the students went through their final examinations successfully. Their particulars, (names and transcripts) have been sent to brother Steven Ashcraft for onward submission to BVBID for the issuance of their certificates.

Looking at the preparation that would have to be done before the graduation, it has been decided that we shift the date from the 15th of November to the 29th of November, 2014. As reported in our last operational report, there will be the need for (11) eleven new gowns. Also, we believe there is the urgent need to rehabilitate the road leading to the school before the graduation. We also discussed the need to paint the buildings at the school with brother Steven. We hope to get the estimates for the painting within next week; in addition to the estimates for the graduation. These would be submitted to you immediately when we receive them. These and other preparations that would have to be made have prompted the change in dates.

Student’s Mattresses
We also have decided to inform you of the need to buy new student mattresses. We have used the current mattresses for well over 4 years and we believe there is the need to replace them. Twenty new mattresses at one hundred and twenty cedis (120) each will give a total of 2,400 cedis. 

Thanks again for your continuous support.  May the good Lord richly bless and replenish you all.


Posted on September 14, 2014 .