Evangelistic Work In Tamale Witnesses 3 Souls Added...

After a long recess, both staff and students have reported for the next quarter of academic work. All twelve students have reported with new energy, along with the staff. With the exception of brother Daniel Adjei Mensah, who is pursuing a course at the University of Education - Winneba, all nstructors have reported and look refreshed.

We thank God for the arrival of our American Coordinators, brothers Steven Ashcraft and Anthony Johnson. It is our earnest prayer that Almighty God guides and protects all for a successful quarter.

The activities for the quarter will be as stated below:

COURSE                                         INSTRUCTOR

Romans Part 1                      Anthony Johnson
Romans Part 2                     Anthony Johnson
Old Testament Part 6          Jaminja Ndakar
1 Corinthians                        Joe Wilkie
2 Corinthians                       Baah Joseph Okyere
Campaign                            Jacob Adjei Yeboah

Through the financial support of brother Anthony Johnson, the congregations in Tamale were able to preach the gospel at Yapei, a town situated 25 miles from Tamale during the vacation. After three-days of evangelistic work, 3 souls were won for the Lord. The leadership of the congregations is making the necessary arrangements to sustain these souls won and to expand the number of membership of the newly established congregation. It is our prayer that God would touch the hearts of brethren here in Ghana and overseas, to help extend the boundary of the Kingdom of God.

In another development, the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies is discussing with brother Ralph Williams to organize a seminar for women next quarter. This is to empower the women in the Northern Sector of the country with the requisite knowledge and skill to win more souls for Christ.

Also, the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies welcomes all brethren who have the desire to support any activity which will build the faith of the flock of the Lord in Tamale to win more souls to inform the Institute through the Director, brother Joseph Baah (joebah2003@yahoo.co.uk), brother Anthony Johnson (toeknee223@hotmail.com) or brother Steven Ashcraft (samtnhome@yahoo.com). 

It is the wish of the management of the Institute to promote Christ Jesus and the Gospel in this Muslim - dominated part of the country and this requires the support of all.

Baah Joseph Okyere

Posted on September 14, 2014 .