A Shift In Residency Strengthens Growth in The Church...

It is my prayer and hope that this report will find you well and active in the kingdom of the Lord. On one occasion our Lord looked upon the multitudes that were seeking Him, felt compassion for them, because they were sorrowful and disappointed like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 9:34-44). We are grateful for the compassion and favor you have shown us Africans as we, no doubt, need Jesus in our daily lives. You have sacrificed much of your time, money and effort to lead and guide us through the gospel. We will not be able to thank you enough for what you have done for us. 

Do not be discouraged, but fervently pray to the Lord that good laborers will be found and sent in the field to equip the saints. Let us strive to see the lost the way Jesus saw and still sees. We shall certainly be moved with compassion.    

On 6th of October, 2014 the ACSOP will be in the 4th quarter for the Swahili stream of students, while the English stream will begin their final semester. All of the English students are expecting to graduate on the 29th of November this year. 

I have been receiving calls from Daniel Kazungu, the preacher from the new church in Magu Mwanzan. According to his report the church is growing tremendously there. Each Sunday 60 to 70 people meet for the regular worship services. The congregation is only 7 months old. 

This story could not have been mentioned were it not for the effort of that young man who is a former graduate of ACSOP. Because he loves the Lord more than anything else, he decided to shift his residency from the big city of Mwanza to the bush for the course of the lost souls. Let’s remember him with the new congregation in our daily prayers.          

In Christ Jesus,

Michael Lesotwa
ACSOP, Dean of Academics

Posted on September 14, 2014 .