50 Years Of Training Preachers...

The annual Bear Valley Lectureship begins this Thursday night, September 18th. The activities schedule for the lectureship include numerous speakers from around the country, along with a banquet to celebrate 50 years of training preachers at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. We are thankful to share in this special occasion as we honor those of the past and elate over the events planned for the future.

The next phase planned for the future of the Extension program introduces a proposal for growth in the years ahead. We are excited about the possibilities God is providing for the expansion of the program around the world. We want to encourage you to continue reading the reports each week as this news unfolds and we share the beautiful ways we are participating in God’s glorious work. May He be glorified in all things!

News from the various schools listed below arrived earlier this week and reading through the reports raised our excitement as we learned about the hand of God giving the increase. Reading about souls who obeyed the gospel, congregations that were encouraged, and brethren who strayed from the path and returned to the fellowship of God, continues to make all that is done worth the time and effort.

We ask you to take time out of your busy schedule and read through the reports. We believe you will be as encouraged as we are about the blessing God has given us to be a part of this incredible work of training preachers together.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

The Prison Ministry Yields Fruit In Wonderful Ways: The outreach of CBIW at the local prison in Cameroon yielded 10 baptisms and more than 110 in attendance for worship.

Guatemala Is One Busy Place: Along with training students at ITL, the work of the staff in Guatemala is far reaching and busy. This report shares a glimpse of their efforts.

Evangelistic Work In Tamale Witnesses 3 Souls Added: The proclamation of the gospel in the northern part of Ghana is impacting the lives of those who are obedient to it.

Preparations Are Made For Graduation At WCSOP: With just over 6 weeks left, the staff and students are making preparations for their next graduating class in Takoradi, Ghana.

Students Are Active In Preaching: During their studies each week, students in Nigeria at the Southwest School of Evangelism are actively preaching the gospel on Sunday.

Classes Are Moving Forward In Haiti: Along with news from several areas of work, the report in Haiti shares news of classes at the International School of Theology meeting.

Visiting Instructors Strengthen Students At SIBS: Domestic and International instructors visit the work in Ghana and help students grow in their development.

God Is Blessing His Mission In Tanzania: Reports from graduates of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching demonstrate the power of God’s word at work.

This Is Not Something You See Everyday: We often take extra precaution in many areas when getting our children to and from school, but it is not that way everywhere.

Salvation In The Most Unlikely Circumstances: Few are willing to enter what might be considered a hostile environment, but one did and the results are exciting.

A Shift In Residency Strengthens Growth In The Church: One graduate’s willingness to move his place of residence is making an impact on the growth of the church.

Final Thoughts 
Thank you for your continued help in making this work possible. You are needed and your involvement in the extension program is a key component in fulfilling the Great Commission by going into all the world and teaching others. This work is producing fruit that honors and glorifies God. We hope you are encouraged, and we thank you.

God bless

Posted on September 14, 2014 .