Visiting Instructors, Mission Printing, And Growth...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Wotutu, Cameroon. It is another beautiful day here. We had a great fellowship with God and others during our worship of God today. We do hope this mail will meets you all in good health and a continuous sound faith.

We had a great week with brother Steven Ashcraft who came to teach our students a short course on “Bible Geography.” He did a great job as our students understood him and benefited a lot from his mastery of the subject matter, the Bible. As I write this email he is either making his way to the USA or he is already there as we keep praying for him.

Brother Steven taught class with passion and love for the Lord and His church. We are blessed to have great brothers coming to teach whose love for the gospel is giving us much encouragement.

Brother Steven supervised his final exams in CBIW. Our students performed well from the final grades that he submitted to my office that goes to their result sheet. Keep praying for our students as they continue to prepare themselves for full time ministry in different locations a few months after their graduation.

Thousands of Mission Printing tracts came to us finally. We have tracts on many subjects that will help us in our evangelistic efforts and that of many congregations all over Cameroon, both English speaking areas and French speaking areas. Keep this effort in your prayers and pray for the brothers and sisters who are sacrificing time and money to make sure we have these great materials that will go a long way to touch the life of someone very soon. We shall have a one day seminar in Wotutu with ministers in Cameroon. After that we shall start distributing the tracts.

CBIW students smiled after receiving a box of used books from Mission Printing. This will help them build their personal library after they leave school. On behalf of the students and the coordinator of CBIW, minister David Ballard, we say thank you to all those who were involved to make this happen. This is the first of its kind in Cameroon, a first in history for the church of Christ to receive tracts in such a great quantity.

I was able to stand next to my son Ray with Cameroonian color and brother Steven at the airport ready to depart our nation. Keep him in your prayers as he made his way home or he is already home now. We say praise God for His care.

As brother Steven departed Cameroon, brother David Ballard arrived yesterday. We met at the airport and visited with him before we started off for Wotutu. Brother David was strong and refreshed after a long trip to Wotutu. We took breakfast with my family this morning. Keep him in your prayers for His stay here and the work lined up for him, to train men to preach and reach out to souls on house to house evangelism and others.

Brother David Ballard taught during our Bible class this morning on the topic “God’s Mission from the Foundation of the Earth.” It was great and our congregation in Wotutu benefitted a lot.

Last Sunday evening, brother Divine Esimo, who has been studying with us, obeyed the gospel. Please keep him in your prayers to grow as the members of the body here help him grow to maturity.

Our students were on weekend evangelism in one of our newly established congregation in Down Beach, Limbe. The congregation and other congregations continue to grow. Keep praying for the onward movement of the work here and all over the world.

1) We shall have a seminar this weekend to study and later on we shall distribute boxes of gospel tracts from Mission Printing to many that will be represented.

2) This weekend, CBIW students will go to different locations for mission campaigns to strengthen congregations and to do evangelism. Keep our plans in your prayers so that we shall realize them for the glory to go back to God.

God bless you and watch over you for all your help towards the work here. God has used you to make things happen here and we are very grateful to God and we keep you in our prayers. Keep standing with us so that we shall continue to do more for the glory of God.

Do your best to share this with others, maybe someone will love to come and stand with us.

Elangwe and family
BY His grace Director CBIW

Posted on June 8, 2014 .