Updates On Ukraine And Other Extensions...

Reports about the situation in Ukraine continue to highlight the news in the secular world and in the extension program also. Howell Ferguson provides an overview of the events from last Sunday along with current information involving the status of the staff and students from the school. We ask you to continue praying for the situation in Ukraine. The church and the school will face many challenges in the weeks ahead and would appreciate our prayers for them.

News from other locations where Bear Valley partners in the work of extension training is encouraging as the result of everyone’s efforts continues to demonstrate the power of God. Souls are responding in obedient faith, the church is edified, and our God receives the glory through it all. This work is all about Him and we are thankful to have the opportunity to be fellow-workers in the kingdom.

Students are working to raise the support needed to attend the Bible Institute in Denver in August. Raising support is one of the most difficult parts of attending school. There are 24 students who have been approved to begin this next quarter of studies. Please pray for them as they work at raising support and finalizing all the details at home in order to move to Denver and begin their studies in preparation for work in the kingdom.

We will have more news about the upcoming class of students and the lectureship in September in the weeks and months ahead. We welcome you to join us in the 50th celebration of training preachers at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Tony Johnson’s latest report from Ghana can be read here.

Howell Ferguson’s latest report about the situation in Ukraine can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Students And Preachers’ Wives Learn Lessons In Cameroon: Recent events at CBIW provides students and local preachers’ wives with an opportunity to learn more.

Students Graduate In Uganda: Another class of students have completed their courses at the Uganda School of Evangelism. They recently graduated and are entering the work.

Classes Begin On Schedule In Nigeria: The last of May saw the opening day of classes for the students of SWSE in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Safari For Souls Campaign Underway In Tanzania: One of the exciting areas of the work in Tanzania each summer is the Safari for Souls. Cy Stafford explains more this week.

A Guest Post From John Gaines: Daniel Gaines’ father is visiting Arusha, TZ and teaching a short course at ACSOP. His post explains more about the work.

Final Thoughts
Thinking about the past 50 years of training men to preach the gospel is exciting, but we are also aware of how this is possible. God has blessed this work with some of the most wonderful people in the world. The generosity shown over this time is inspiring and we are thankful to each of you for all you have done in the development of this great work. To God be the glory.

God bless

Posted on June 1, 2014 .