A Partnership In Work That Changes Lives...

Something about extension training is special beyond words. Several reasons express why this work is so special. One, the people whose lives are changed. Perhaps the most significant reason is the fact souls are being saved. The lost are brought to the Lord, rescued from the kingdom of darkness to share in the kingdom of the beloved Son of God. The church is encouraged and edified. The lives of these individuals will never be the same because of the staff and students in each location.

Second, the purpose for the work. The greatest cause on earth is the basis and direction for every part of extension training. From before the foundation of the world, God had a plan to send His Son to provide the needed sacrifice for sin. This hope for the world rests upon the message entrusted to us.

Third, the partnership we share. Perhaps one of my favorite parts of entire program is the fact we get to walk through the fields of this world together. Fellow-workers with each other and with God make this exciting. From the staff that works on the ground in each location, the US staff, and the supporters who keep both sides functioning, each individual is a key part of the work. It is awesome to think about working together with each individual involved.

This week’s report will share the ideas stated in ways far more powerful than I have said them. The reports provided from each location paint a beautiful picture that illustrates the whole of what I have tried to say.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Visiting Instructors, Mission Printing, And Growth: Two instructors visit to teach short courses and materials sent by Mission Printing arrive at CBIW. The result is growth in the kingdom.

The Day That Will Be Difficult To Forget: Dennis Sopelnik, director of BVBIU in Gorlovka, Ukraine, shares the good and bad of recent events in Ukraine.

Christian Influence Worth Reading About: Have you ever wondered what others in the religious world are saying about Christians? Read this report. It is worth the time.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for the blessing you are to each of us on both sides of the world. Everyone in the work feels the same. We are so thankful for the generosity and sacrifice each of you makes to keep this work fruitful. We give God the glory.

God bless

Posted on June 8, 2014 .