FPTC In India...

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. By the grace of God we are doing fine and hope the same with you. Thank you very much for your prayers.

First of all, I must thank you for making it possible for me to visit BVBID in the 2010. During my visit, I witnessed the FPTC program being held at Bear Valley. I learned something and wanted to implement it here. I remember the help in preparing the FPTC brochure. I wanted to give a report on that. Thank you for your encouragement. 

This year, we had an excellent 6 Days Future Preachers Training Classes, had an attendance of 120 young men ages 13 and above.  We have divided the students into two groups. Those who attended the second time are seniors. Juniors get the same classes every year, where as the subjects for seniors would be changed every year. We had 27 qualified to receive the certificate of completion in the senior group and rest are juniors. We have been doing this camp from 2012 till now.  In the year 2012 we had only 37 who received the course completion certificate. In 2013 we had 57 and now we had 80 who completed the course. Each senior class student received an English Bible coupled with Bible Literature. Junior class students received Telugu Bibles.

The subject we taught for these students during these classes was The Bible. For Seniors: We introduced The Bible, Description of the Books of the Bible, Proofs of the Bible, Bible, The Word of God, Bible & Science, Uniqueness of the Bible. For Juniors: About the Bible, God’s Plan of Salvation, 3 Dispensations of the Bible, Life After Death, The Church. Practical classes included How to Sing, Pray, Read the Bible, etc. We had Question and Answer sessions, and an out door Gospel Meeting Experience along with street evangelism, too. This is our effort to prepare the next generation evangelists. It is quite thrilling to see 3 young men coming forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Above all, we can’t imagine the great response we had this time, because we had 120 young people who attended, 27 among them attending for the second or third time. We sure hope to see students attending these classes regularly and one day they will become preachers. One of the exciting things is one young man who decided to join the preacher training school after he finished the 6 day’s course. We were thrilled with his response with great interest to become a preacher. We pray that our Lord would open doors to reach out to many young people who could be the next generation of evangelists.

Please give my greetings to all the brethren at Bear Valley. 

Greetings from my wife Vani and father Samuel Raju. We appreciate all your dedicated efforts, God bless…God Bless USA

In Christ,

John Dean M

Posted on June 15, 2014 .