Staff And Students Continue Preaching The Word...

Dearest in Christ Jesus,

Greetings from SWSE-Ibadan & Lagos campus, Nigeria. The staff and students of the Southwest School of Evangelism, Ibadan main campus evangelized Jago and Kupalo villages as scheduled on Saturday, June 7, 2014 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.

On Sunday, June 8, we are all busy for the Lord in teaching the Sunday morning Bible classes.

At the Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation-Ibadan, we discussed “Encouraging One and Another” which is lesson 2 of our three month Internal lectureship.

At the campus congregation-Butubutu, one of our students named, brother Olofingorite Mayowa, taught on “Giving Unto the Lord” while another student named, brother Eze Ikechukwu, admonished the saints from Daniel chapter 1.

Other students that also took an active part in Sunday church activities are brother Akinade Oluwaseun who taught on “The Christian Life” at the Jago congregation while brother Oladapo Alabi Ishmael admonished the church from Psalm 127.

Brother Idowu Oluwasegun taught on “Christian Fellowship” at the Asejire congregation, Osun state; brother Olorode Samuel taught on the “Lord's Supper” at the Baale Ayo congregation, Osun state; brother Godwin Ede taught on “Blessed are the Merciful” at the Wasimi congregation, Osun state, while other students such as brother Adeyehun Raphael, brother Adekunle Olnrewaju, brother Adeniji Joseph, brother Felix Oladipo, brother Faleye Joseph, brother Udeme Michael Umoh and brother Adeyi Gedion Kehinde admonished the saints in their congregations on the “Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

Brother Godwin Ede, the evangelist of the Wasimi congregation, Osun state and one of our year 1 students reported the conversion of two couples in their congregation on Sunday, 8, 2014. To God be the glory. 

Brethren, we are awaiting the visit of brother Jerry Bates of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, CO, USA who will be with us from June 14 through 20. Please, remember him in your prayers.

Thanks and God bless.

Sincerely in Christ,

Makinde E.Olufemi (Director of Studies)
Southwest School of Evangelism (SWSE), Ibadan & Lagos campus, Nigeria.

Posted on June 15, 2014 .