Furlough Reporting And Fundraising In The USA...

We are happy to report that our furlough for 2014 is going quite well! We have been extremely busy this time, with many additional activities and stops added to our schedule. We were blessed with safe and timely travel back to the USA on April 24th. Since we arrived, we have enjoyed staying in the homes of so many kind, and wonderful brethren. We are so very thankful for their gracious hospitality!

One of the first things on our agenda was a special seminar held at Southwest School of Bible Studies in Austin, TX. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to speak to the students, as well as several visitors, about the importance of indigenous missions (respecting autonomy). I pray it was beneficial for all those who attended. While in Texas, we also had the opportunity to attend Focal Point at the University church of Christ in San Marcos for one day which was very encouraging.

Following our time there, we traveled to Florida where I preached my first Gospel meeting with the brethren of the Jay church of Christ. The subject was “The Sum of Thy Word is Truth.” We had a great week of fellowship and a good turnout for each night. Everywhere we have been, the brethren have been so encouraging and we rejoice that the good work that is taking place in Paraguay brings them such joy!

In addition, we will also be making a special trip out to Bossier City, Louisiana, in June; as well as, a few stops in Mississippi and Alabama to do a presentation of the work, with hopes of gaining new supporters for the Bible Academy. We look forward to these new opportunities!

The students recently participated in a special campaign that focused on making survey trips to several Paraguayan towns where the church is praying to plant new congregations in the near future. They spent their time speaking with town officials, visiting with the local citizens, and trying to establish new contacts for future Bible studies. The results of the survey trip were very encouraging!  We pray that these efforts will soon result in the Gospel being spread to those areas and precious souls being added to the Lord's church.

Our brother in Christ, Gary Fallis, returned to Paraguay this past month to teach 2 Corinthians. He brought his wife, Sarah, with him this time who also taught some ladies classes and met with the wives of our two brethren that are eligible to be elders. Brother Denton Landon, will be coming to Paraguay this next month to teach Advanced Hermeneutics in the Academy.

As was reported in our previous newsletter, the church in Paraguay is asking for help in supporting students for the upcoming “Beta Class.” We are happy to report that several congregations and individual families have responded by offering their support! There are also others who are now seriously considering to offer their support and will be letting us know soon. God is SO good! We have been able to make several new contacts to whom we will giving a presentation in the near future. Those who are currently supporting the school or have recently offered their helped are:

•Central Avenue church of Christ (GA)

•Jay church of Christ (FL)

•Poolville church of Christ (TX)

•West Dyersburg church of Christ (TN)

•Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ (FL)

•Anonymous Families (TX, FL, AZ, TN)

Supporting one student costs $300.00 a month for the two years that they attend the Academy. Therefore, THE CHURCH IS ASKING FOR YOUR HELP. If you can help in any way, or know someone who can, please let us know!

•If you would like more information, click on this link: the Asuncion Bible Academy.

•Or, you may contact me directly at 561.601.6551, by responding to this email. Also, if you know of someone who can help, please let us know.

•You may also contact Luis Yegros at luisyegros@hotmail.com (he speaks English and is the church treasurer).

Please keep this special opportunity in your prayers! Thank you and God bless!

As has been reported this year among our supporting congregations, Andrea and I have asked to extend our commitment to the work in Paraguay for an two additional years. This will carry us to the Spring of 2017. This new commitment will give us opportunity to foster the new church plant and hopefully graduate one more class from the Bible Academy. What happens beyond 2017, we are putting into the hands of the Lord.

We humbly ask that you keep Andrea and myself in your prayers during our travels for furlough this year.

You can help the church in Paraguay by adding the following to you prayers:

•Funds raised for the next class of Asuncion Bible Academy

•For continued leadership development among the men of the church in Paraguay

•Spiritual development of members

•Possible new church plants in Paraguay

•Our current Bible study contacts and that God may provide others

•For the students and faculty of the Asuncion Bible Academy

•For the members of the new church plant in Ñemby

•Improvement of Andrea's health

•Safe travels throughout our work week

•Continued improvement in Spanish speaking skills

Andrea has had some exciting adventures during this year's furlough. Probably one of the most exciting was her recent fishing trip where she caught some monster red snapper! We had a very tasty fish fry that evening! Thank you to brother Joe King who made the excursion possible.

Andrea and I feel so very blessed with many opportunities to serve in the Lord’s kingdom and to witness several milestones being achieved here in Paraguay. We pray God will continue to use us as his “instruments for the Gospel” in the upcoming year. We are very excited about the possibilities for 2014 and look forward to the adventure!

Thank you for reading our report. God bless!

Troy and Andrea

To see the Spradlin’s report with pictures, especially of the fish, click here.

Posted on June 15, 2014 .