Want To Try Your Hand At Leading Singing In Swahili...

Campaigner season is getting kicked off in a happy way for the Gaines household. Last week we told you about our new friends the Evans family and John Strong. After a great visit they returned safely to Iringa early in the week. A couple of days later, we were thrilled to welcome my father, John Gaines, to Tanzania. He is currently the preacher at the Skagit Valley church of Christ in Burlington, Washington. He'll be hard at work this week teaching a short course on Hermeneutics at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Additionally, he'll be preaching and teaching in some of the area churches and has been accompanying me on Bible studies. We had a great study with the niece of Matilda (the lady from Njiro Chini who was baptized last week). Hopefully, this whole family may one day find themselves in the Lord's church.

This week the mission team will also welcome visiting workers from Cottondale, Alabama and Evansville, Indiana. I love getting to spend time with mission-minded brethren from different parts of the world.  

Improvements continue to take place at the Ilkuirei congregation. You have helped put glass in the windows and create a children's Bible classroom. This week we were able to add a table for the children's classroom. This will be a great improvement over coloring on their laps!

Friday we were pleased to host the weekly missionaries' devotional at our home. Dad spoke and the other men took turns leading singing. Our 3 year old son, Josiah, got the courage up to lead a song for the first time. He led Jesus Loves Me... in English AND Swahili. It was a proud moment.

Have a fantastic week!
Daniel Gaines

To see Daniel’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 25, 2014 .