Seventeen New Souls Added To The Kingdom In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants:

What a privilege it is to serve the good people of Tanzania. What a joy it is to know we partner with God’s faithful (you, our friends and supporters) in the greatest vocation that can be known. What peace we have knowing our God is with us each step of the way. 

At the Andrew Connally School of Preaching we are blessed to see many young (and some not so young) men come, learn, and leave, excited about the Kingdom’s work. As is the case with all mankind, some have greater talents than others, while some have a greater zeal than some of their fellow classmates. Michael Losotwa (a graduate of the ACSOP and now serving on our Translation team, serves as Dean of Academics and Instructor at the ACSOP) and Daniel Kazungu, another graduate of the school, are two amazing examples of men with great talent and zeal for the Lord’s work. 

Our brother Daniel, after completing his studies at the ACSOP, went back to his home village and began a new congregation, baptizing around twenty souls. His wife, a nurse, was transferred to a new location and there he began to plant yet another congregation. He called the school requesting some Bibles and Bible material. Michael agreed to deliver the materials and help his fellow graduate. Here is a short report he sent after his journey: 

My journey started from Arusha to Mwanza last Saturday of May 17, 2014 early in the morning. And I arrived in Mwanza City at 6:30 PM the same day, spending night there. Early the morning I traveled to Magu district, about 90 miles. From there I traveled 40 miles to Mahaha village where the church is located. We began worship with 45 people in attendance. After worship we had lunch together to show their fellowship together as members of the church.

After lunch we had a short Bible class with non Christian visitors. At the end of class I invited them to obey the gospel, 13 sweet souls were ready to obey. We planned to baptize them the next day because the time was gone, it was almost 6:00 pm and the place for baptism would take 1 hour and 30 minutes by foot. So the next day we met and we went to the water for baptism. After baptism we went back to where the church meets and spent some hours teaching and encouraging them to be faithful to Lord. We prayed for them and we let them go to their homes.

From there we went our way to find and teach some more Bible classes. Whereby getting to the evening 4 more people were ready to be baptized. So we planned for the next day. So in the next day we met with them and baptize. Right after that we spent several minutes teaching them more and encouraging them to be faithful to the Lord and to the Church. We prayed for them also. Then, I started my journey going back to Mwanza city, ready to pick my journey back to Arusha the next day....Michael”  

We thank our God for the good men who are sacrificing much for His cause. Please pray for these men as they strive to do the will of the Father in taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to the lost of this world. Thank you for your part in making this a reality

We welcome Dwight Burton and his family from the Washington Ave. congregation in Evansville, IN who arrived safely yesterday and ask you to pray with us for Gary Box and his team from the Cottondale congregation in AL who are to arrive tonight to join us in this year’s Safari for Souls outreach. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on May 25, 2014 .