More And Effective Laborers For The Lord's Kingdom In Ghana...

In the fourth quarter of our first year, we deem it by the sheer grace of God. This is because of a couple of reasons: Firstly, SIBS actually had insufficient time at our disposal to announce the commencement of our school among the brotherhood before taking off. Secondly, SIBS was co-incidentally located in the area where already, a more established preacher training school – the Heritage Christian College is located. Although this initially caused some strain, and apparently posed “indirect challenge” to us, we think so far, it has been a blessing to have come this far by the immeasurable grace of God. Nevertheless, our focus and emphasis continue to be on: more and effective laborers for the Lord’s kingdom.

However, one setback so far, was one of the students coming from the Volta north area of the country, Forster Delali Adjamoa, has withdrawn from the course, due to family problems as he said. Besides the family problems, and perhaps what was equally disturbing to him was the long distance to travel from his home town to Accra, which could not allow him to visit back whenever that became necessary. From what we are hearing, he is continuing his training at the Preacher training school in Ho, in the Volta region. This place is nearer to his home town, and in that case, we wish him well.

Photocopier Machine
We were so grateful to purchase a new photocopier machine for the school. This is to help with the making of photocopies of students’ lesson notes and we trust that it will actually go a long to facilitate the academic work.

Academic Board
SIBS has thought of instituting two boards –first, an Academic Board and an Advisory Board or Board of Governors. We just initiated the Academic Board which comprises the Director, Administrative Assistant, two other teachers and a leading member of the church. Among other things, the Academic Board will be responsible for the academic issues of the school including: directing and regulating all teaching and making sure that the teaching schedule is followed, monitor academic performance of students; and besides, assist with the admission of new students, as well as to deal with disciplinary issues as and when it becomes necessary.  

Appreciate you sacrifice and commitment. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers continually.

Seth Larbi

Posted on December 7, 2014 .