A Boost In The School Library Aids The Work In Kenya...

Dear brethren,

It has been such a huge honor for me to be part of the great team that is involved in training preachers from the Kenyan soil. I take this opportunity to thank God for bringing all the like minded heads together for a greater cause in the Kingdom. Thanks to all the short course teachers who sacrificed their busy schedule to come over to teach and lead gospel meetings which have been very fruitful.

In August, we had 13 out of 20 students graduate and are now out in the field working, we have been hearing of their active roles in various areas. 

At KSOP, the second class of 20 students is headed for home for the December break having studied 7 courses in their year-1 quarter-1, plus basic computer class. We look forward to having them back for the second quarter on January 9th, 2015 with great reports from the Lord's field. 

Some of the students have been trained at the Nairobi Great Commission School extensions and have been amazed by the errors they were taught. They are very open-minded students and ready to have false doctrine uprooted from them. 

Through their evangelistic efforts, three have been baptized and two are attending worship services at Hellena court where we meet. We pray they will obey the gospel. 

The KSOP school library got a boost from ACSOP Arusha. They gave us 26 boxes of books. Any school is as good as its teachers and the book references they have in their library. We are still building the library and still in more need of books.

Next year, we look forward to continuing with the training and having the students get more involved in gospel campaigns and evangelism as well as visiting the nearby local congregations if funds will be available.

Keep us in your prayers as we look for funds to buy land and put up a school building.

Thanks again for your prayers and generous support of the work. Without you, we would not have been able to achieve the successes.

Brotherly Love,
Charles Ogutu

Posted on December 7, 2014 .