Come One, Come All...

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,

It's a lovely day in Kisongo, Tanzania (East Africa). Found in our front yard, the little chameleon colored herself to match the dirt she was using to cover her eggs. Soon the warm sunshine will hatch them.

"The Unity of the Scriptures" was the topic of the Bible study that Abigail held last week. After Christmas break, another study will be scheduled.

The Annual Employee Appreciation Dinner was held at the ACSOP on Friday. Jimmy spoke on 1 Corinthians 12, using the example of the importance of each physical body part with the importance of all employees to an organization.

On Saturday, the Kisongo church had their normal youth meeting. Godlisten taught the lesson (and also translated for himself due to no other translator being there) on "Watch Your Language." 

"Come one, come all..." to see the jet that had to make an emergency landing at the Arusha Airport (runway designed for only small planes). As far as we know, no one was injured. Within minutes people everywhere were pulling over their cars, and anyone on foot was running to see it. For three days until it was moved, thousands of people came walking in large groups, on motorcycle taxis, in the back of trucks, on bicycles, etc to stand and stare at this large plane. To pass through, one had to drive very slow for about 1/4 mile because people didn't pull all the way off the road and people were everywhere.  Joking, but somewhat serious, I commented that someone could make some money if they were to start selling hotdogs, cokes and popcorn to the crowd. The next day as we passed by, we saw a young entrepreneur selling bottles of cold water. Flabbergasted, we asked a TZ friend why the downed plane drew such a multitude (had it been on fire or had crashed we could better understand the curiosity). He said most people in Arusha had NEVER seen a large plane before. (Of course, Tanzanians think foreigners are very strange to take pictures of women carrying large loads on their heads, etc). Now, if we could just park one of these jets outside the church building on Sunday...

As 2013 comes to a close, we thank you for your loyal support and dedication to us and to the TZ 2000 Mission Work. Many have heard and obeyed the Gospel through the many avenues you have provided by your support. We pray for you often and wish you every good thing in this life.  But mostly, we hope you are preparing for life eternal with God and Jesus Christ, our only hope. May 2014 be a year that you grow closer to the Lord. Sorry, this report is being sent a week late.

With Love from Africa,

Jimmy, Trina, Lindsey, Abigail, Heather, Candace, Stuart, David, Naomi, Elijah and Matthew  Gee

To see the Gee report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on January 5, 2014 .