And Then Came The Increase...

Greetings and a very Happy New Year,

We are blessed to see the light of yet another year. If the Lord wills, we pray He will help us all to see another year of service to His glory and to the saving of many more souls.

The year has started the way we always hope, David Bayi writes; “We had a blessed day and one has been added to he Lord. Her name is Hosanna. I preached a lesson from Philippians 2:5-8, “the mind of Christ” and “Sacrifice”. He humbled Himself, even unto death, how much more should we?

Amos Kinasa writes; “This year (2013) we have conducted four Gospel meetings, eighteen souls being added to the Church of our Lord, seven souls have been restored to the Lord’s Family and we have been able to plant one new congregation. Four souls have been saved from Christian families and we now have over fifty active members.

Clement Murungu writes:We the church of Christ at Karatu really give thanks to you our brethren in the Lord. May God bless you all spiritually and with good health. We thank God for the five souls added to the church this year (2013). We continue to house to house Bible studies. I am now teaching Bible Knowledge at our local Secondary School. I have also got an opportunity to teach Bible at Karatu College. We have big plans in 2014, with your prayers, help, and the Lord’s blessings we know more souls will be saved.

We have received many well wishes for the New Year and even more thanksgivings for all the help our many evangelist receive. We know of over a dozen new church plants in 2013; yes, “what God controls truly does grow”. 

Stephanie, Granny and myself will be coming to America for the months of March and April. We would love to see everyone, this is simply not possible in the allotted time. So, “first come, first served”. If you will let us know, we will do our best to book an appointment to come and see you; one-on-one or see the congregation, giving an updated report on all the Lord is doing in Tanzania and throughout East Africa. 

We truly wish each of you the best year ever. As we strive to be all God would have us to be, let each of us give all we have, are or hope to be, to God’s glory and to the saving of mankind. Till all have heard.....

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on January 5, 2014 .