Witnessing Power, Influence, And Faithful Service...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

We greet you with hearts of thanksgiving. We are so very grateful for the love of God, His mercy, grace and most of all for the promise of a home for His faithful. We are thankful for each of you, your part in this mission work, your love and support of this mission team. We are simply thankful for the privilege of service and hopeful God will use us up fully in His Service. 

One of the most amazing things in this world is to witness the power, influence and service of faithful, godly women. Our daughter-in-law, Katelyn, and her sister Kelly have demonstrated this very character. A week ago they hosted a Teenage Girls day here at the Andrew Connally School. Just over 50 teen girls from over ten different congregations came together to learn about “Purity.” This past Saturday they hosted a Children’s Bible Seminar for the children at the Kisongo congregations. With 55 little ones learning about Jesus and His Word these two Christian ladies showed what was first in their lives.

Through out the year we are blessed by such examples of Christian service. We are also mindful of the fact many contribute by their prayers and financial support, making this possible. Katelyn and Kelly exemplify what is good in the Church. We thank them, those who helped them come and most of all, we thank God for His blessings that He gives us through the Christian family. 

I personally want to thank all who have donated to help with my travel expenses. I have been blessed beyond measure and for these gifts of love I say “Thank You.” I am looking forward to sharing God’s mission work with several while in the States in October. I have several appointments with a couple of openings. I will be traveling between OK, TX, LA, MS, TN, AL and possibly GA. I will be traveling alone this fund raising trip. Stephanie and her mother will remain in TZ busy about the work. Please remember them in your prayers as we are separated. 

Today was a special day at the newly planted White Rose congregation here in the Arusha area. They invited the area wide congregations to come and officially “open” the new worship house. There were over 60 present for the worship hour and many more expected to come for the afternoon singing and celebration. We are so very grateful for Sid Aultman and his leadership in leading the group of workers from the Hoover congregation. We thank the Hoover Elders and missions deacon for their support of this work in general, and for making it possible for White Rose to have a place of worship. The good they are doing will out live each of us to the saving of countless soul, thank you all!

Please remember our son Paul, his family, and Kelly as they leave TZ and head back to America. Our lives have been blessed by their visit and we know God is able. 

May your week be a blessing to others and may our God bless you in a very special way.  

In His Service,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on September 1, 2013 .