Work May Be Slower Because of Rain, But Not Stopped...

Dearest in Christ,

Amazing grace to you from your brothers and sisters from Wotutu in Cameroon. We are doing much better in health. We do hope you are doing great over there.

Rainy season keeps on and on, and by so doing many of our programs are being interrupted by the heavy down pour of rain.

Our student Mbappe for the past one week could not make it to class because of sickness and was hospitalized. Keep him and many others in your prayers.

We arrived at Batoke village, a coastal village located on the west coast of Cameroon. We went there with some students and one of our graduate evangelists, Opel, as we have started sowing the seeds to establish a new congregation there. Keep this work in your prayers.

Brother Opel preached house to house in Batoke village. It will be a good work. The people are very receptive and keep asking many questions about why we are coming, but now in the village, it is a village already saturated with many denominations.

Brother Opel and I went house to house. We succeeded in reaching out with the gospel to 6 families intensively who show their interest to study more. We shall continue until we have souls that will obey the gospel and we shall start worshipping. Keep the work in your daily prayers.

1) We shall continue every weekend to go to Batoke village.

2) We shall share the students and staff in different locations on weekends to preach and teach. This weekend we shall split into four groups; some will go to Batoke, some will go to Ediki to revive the congregation which is dead (they are not worshipping any longer because there was no one to preach to them), we shall send some to Mondoni and Tole congregations respectively for nurturing and evangelism.

Please keep our brothers and sisters in your prayers. The weather conditions are causing many to get sick these days.

God bless you and keep you for all that you are doing for the old rugged cross. You are doing a lot for the work. We thank God for you. Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on August 4, 2013 .