Faith, The Bond Of Participation Among Saints...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

We hope and pray this report finds you well, blessed and serving Him faithfully. We thank you all for all you do, your prayers, support and participation in God’s mission work here in Tanzania. God continues to give the increase as His servants plant and water The Seed! There have been three additional baptisms at Kwa Mrombo as a result of the follow-up efforts. Gasper reports two souls saved at Maji ya Chai in the past week. Fariji Paul report one soul saved at Usa River, yes, the work goes on.

Faith, yes Faith! That aspect of the Christian life that binds us together in the most Holy Faith. We at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (a work of the Bear Valley church of Christ, and B.V. Bible Institute of Denver) have stepped out in faith. We are in the process of recruiting 30 new student of the 2014 intake. This would be an increase of 15 above our current enrollment of 15 in the Ki-Swahili stream. 

In order for this to happen, we need to raise additional funding of $200 per month for each of the 15 men. We have started the process and God, through His faithfulness, has already begun to give the increase. We have commitments for three, possibly as many as five. We thank God and we thank those who have made this commitment.

If you are currently supporting a student, we plead with you to continue. With your help, God’s blessings, and the work of God’s servants here in TZ, many souls will hear, many will obey and God’s family will continue to grow. 

In the past 15 years, over 150 new church plants have been established. We have graduated 115, most of whom are serving faithfully. Without these men, trained in the Word of God, many of these congregations would go wanting.

We need your help! Many are unable to support a student fully, but most could do something. With a one-time gift of $200, you support a student for a month, $2,400 one-time, you support a student for a year. One sister, a teacher for World Bible School, wrote saying she could not support a student for two years, but, she and her husband could for a month (they sent $200). Amen! 

Please do what you can where you are, with what God has blessed you with. Please help us, help them, help themselves. A trained and dedicated Tanzanian evangelist will always be more effective in his homeland than any five missionaries from abroad. Thank you, thank you all so very much for your interest and commitment to do God’s will where you are and for your efforts throughout the world. Working together, with God on our side, indeed, all things are possible. 

We close with joy and thanksgiving for God allowing us to be a part of the greatest family on earth, the Family of God!  

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on August 4, 2013 .