The Word Produces Restoration...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

We greet you with thanksgiving and joy in knowing we are working together for the purpose of saving lost souls. We are always mindful that we are here because God’s cares and because you care enough to prayerfully support this amazing work of God. Our brother Josephat Massawe, graduate of the Andrew Connally School, Director of the Moshi Bible School, Evangelist for the Kilimanjaro congregation, Instructor at the ACSOP, Servant of God reports the following; 

...“For the  word of God is living and active and sharper than any two- edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebr 4:12).” Christian Soka was baptized in 2006 into the Lord’s church and since then he has occasionally been attending church service.

Last Sunday I was scheduled to preach, and my message was entitled “A sin of silence.”  When I concluded my sermon after invitation song Christian remained standing and said that he had something to confess before the congregation. He sorrowfully apologized for not being able to regularly attend services as well as for witchcraft  and magic satchel that was handed over to him as reward by a German occultist after passing an onerous and horrible test. He said the satchel comprised of various  magic amulets for different purposes.

He said he could use magic herbs and other superstitious staffs, for manipulation of supernormal forces through the use of spells and the invoking of spirits. Christian now acknowledges that there is a being above the supernormal being and the power above the supernormal forces. He said he lived in wretchedness and his heart couldn’t withstand the power of the word of the true God the creator of heaven and earth.

He is now experiencing the blessing instead of the magic good fortune amulets that gave him unfulfilled future hope success. The members at Kilimanjaro were rejoicing with angels in heaven while witnessing Christian showing the true and penitent confessing attitude by destroying and burning all superstitious and witchcraft charms after Sunday worship service.”

The power of the Gospel in the hands of a faithful servant of God is really an amazing combination. Our brother Isaac Kusupa was blessed during the Safari for Souls campaign when his 80 year old father obeyed the Gospel. His father went back home and began teaching others. He called Isaac this past week to say he had taught 12 others who wanted to worship God in Truth and in Spirit. Isaac instructed his father how to conduct worship and that they did. Isaac will travel to his father’s home in order to teach the 12, please pray for him and his efforts this week.  

We thank all who have committed and are helping us with God’s work by supporting students at the ACSOP. We needed 15 commitments, we have 11 confirmed with two possibles, leaving us with a need of only two more. We trust our God and we trust our Christian family that in the end we will have what need. 

Update: I personally thank everyone who has sacrificially given that I might come to the States in October to report on the good work God is doing here in East Africa. I now have enough raised to get me to Detroit! :) 

We close with a huge thank you and a reminder, I still have a couple of openings if you are interested in hearing the Good News of the Gospel’s affect in East Africa in October.

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie, and Granny

Posted on August 25, 2013 .