Safari For Souls In Full Swing...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

We greet you with much joy and thanksgiving. The Lord continues to bless His work here in Tanzania in a grand way. We hope this short report finds the same in your life, blessings, joy and thanksgiving. We thank Him for each of you, your prayers, your service, and your support. Without you, we would not be where we are, souls would have gone wanting, and the Devil would be rejoicing.

Our brothers and sisters from the Hoover congregation have come and they are gone. Yes, they are gone, but not forgotten. Their works continue in the conversion of two new souls at the newly planted White Rose congregation, in Arusha. Vanesa and Rutty gave their lives to God this day, making the number of souls who have done the same 20 in number. Dozens of studies continue and the building is going up both physically and spiritually. Thanks to the vision and support of our good brothers and sisters from Hoover the White Rose congregation will have a permanent meeting house in the next two or three weeks.

Our dear brother Michael Mitalami called a couple of days ago informing me of one soul being added to the Church at Karatu. This is the third soul to obey in the last month through the efforts of Michael using World Bible School material. The printed page continues to have a great impact on the lost of East Africa.

Julius Gasper reports: “We greet you brethren in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are doing well with the work of the Lord here and we thank God for the three souls added to the Church.” 

Our summer Safari for Souls campaigns are in full swing. Our follow-up efforts continue at White Rose, our pre-campaign efforts continue to Ngurdoto (the campaign begins this Tuesday), the pre-campaign efforts at Kwa Mrombo are going well.

The Hoover group has left, Gary Box has left, but Parker Aultman remains, Cotton and Hannah Box are here, Hawatthia Jones and Byron Benitez arrived yesterday, the OK group arrive tomorrow (group of 20), Brian Horner and Rissa Morris arrive this week.

We are blessed on so many levels and in so many ways. We have put into the hands of the people more than 400 copies of God’s Word, over 500 copies of the Searching for Truth book, thousands of tracts and hundreds of Bible Correspondence Courses. The work continues to God’s glory and to the saving of lost souls.

We continue to solicit your prayers and support as we strive to live for Him through our service to others. Please continue to remember our sister Soneia who is to begin cancer treatment this week. Also our brother Charles Lollar who has been put on a heart transplant list and our dear sister Kathy Minor who has had heart surgery and is recovering. Thank God for hearing our prayers, and for answered prayers! May your week be a blessing in the lives of others to the saving of their souls. 

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on June 16, 2013 .