God Is Good All The Time...

God is good all the time. All the time, God is good. The thought behind this expression emphasizes the direction of the overall program. God has blessed the work of extension training and continues to show His goodness and favor throughout the world. The development of each location where Bear Valley is privileged to work in training men to preach is powerful. The dedication of the staff and students throughout the world is an example for all of us.

The week has been filled with various activities. A number of the stateside teachers and coordinators have been traveling to visit schools where short courses were needed. The reports below will indicate the enjoyment of the staff and students, along with their families, with the classes that were taught.

One of the greatest joys in this work is seeing the unity between brethren who come together with a common purpose. The joy fills to overflowing when seeing the efforts of like-minded brothers and sisters who want nothing more than to see the kingdom of God grow, the lost saved, and the church built up. The good accomplished through working side by side to fulfill God’s mission is making a difference.

This week the reports continue to bring encouragement to all of us at Bear Valley for the opportunity to share in the kingdom work. To God be the glory for all we are able to do together, and for the increase He continues to give as we work to honor our Master.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Donnie Bates’ latest report can be ready by clicking here.

Extension Reports 

Safari For Souls In Full Swing: With campaign groups coming and leaving from Arusha, it is exciting to read about the growth in the kingdom.

Walking With God: A new series of lessons in Nigeria provides teaching in the nature of the walk and how to walk with God.

Marriage And Family In Cameroon: Visiting instructors are in Cameroon for short courses and the course on Marriage and Family this past week has strengthened the church. 

Final Thoughts
As you finish reading the report this week, please know we are praying for you each day. We are thankful for our partnership in the task of preaching the gospel and training men to preach. The work grows because God continues to bless all we do together. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on June 16, 2013 .