Classes Begin Monday At WCSOP...

Dear Brethren,

I bring you greetings from Takoradi, Ghana. It is my hope and prayer that this report finds you all well and prospering in the Lord. May the Lord continue to use us on both sides of the Atlantic to accomplish His purpose in Christ. 

As of April 20, 2013, the school has been on recess. Students will report this weekend for classes to begin May 13, 2013. This will be the final school term for the seniors and the term that completes the first year for the juniors. We do not plan to enroll new students this term. We will therefore have one stream to run for the next academic year. There will be no graduation this year. There will be next year and it will combine the juniors and seniors together. Posted below are the calendar and courses for the new school term.

One of the men who graduated last year is Jerome Torh, from Liberia. For the past several months his wife Louise had been ill. It got worse early last month when he sent word to many of us that his wife was dying and we intensified our prayers for her. When he sent us the SOS, she had not been eating nor speaking for some days. The doctors had called for a number of tests to be conducted to determine what line of treatment to give her. Jerome did not have the money, but brother Steven Ashcraft who was going from Liberia to Togo through Accra, met him at the hospital and paid for the tests and left Jerome with some money to take care of his wife. Two days later she passed away. Louise was 31 years old and was survived by her husband and three children – two girls and a boy. Her funeral was held on Saturday, April 27, 2013, at the Buduburam Camp where she lived with her family. A delegation of four was sent to represent West Coast. It was made up of two instructors, Charles King Arthur and Daniel Ampadu-Asiamah, and our two cooks, Charity Fordjour and Monica Andoh. Jerome has been shattered by the passing away of Louise and needs our prayers and support.

2012/2013 Academic Year   ---   Third Term

***School Reopens for 2013/2014 Academic Year   September 6, 2013

Seminar for Preachers and Leaders – September 16-19, 2013 


Junior Class

Matthew Ackah
Book of Romans

Joshua Aidoo
Life of Christ – 2 (Teaching: Sermon on the Mount, Parables, Judgment)
Church History

Charles K Arthur
Old Testament – 3b (Study of Wisdom Literature: Psalms – Song of Solomon)

Daniel Ampadu-Asiamah
Personal Evangelism – 2 (Church Planting)
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

Charles Mensah
Prison Epistles (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon) 

1 and 2 Corinthians Matthew Ackah
Epistle of James Matthew Ackah 

Senior Class

Joshua Aidoo
World Religions

Charles K Arthur
Public Speaking – 3 (Advanced Homiletics)
Preacher’s Work

Daniel Ampadu-Asiamah
Book of Revelation
Current Issues in The Church

Charles Mensah
Christian Ethics 

Preacher Epistles (1and 2 Timothy and Titus)  Charles Mensah

The Godhead Daniel Ampadu-Asiamah

Brethren, as we face a new school term we solicit your prayers, and much so, as we consider the fact that health was a major problem for instructors and students alike in the last term. 

Thank you, brethren for your continued support both spiritually and physically.

Your servant for Jesus’ sake,
Daniel K Ampadu-Asiamah

Posted on May 12, 2013 .