47th Day Celebration In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from brothers and sisters here. We do hope you are doing great and God is blessing you all.

CBIW students march pass and show their Bibles in front of the government officials. It was great and thereafter the students shared the gospel to many during the lunch break.

The week in CBIW went on well and Cameroon celebrated the 47th day celebration in Cameroon with peace and harmony. The students of CBIW were invited to take part of it in our communities. It was hectic as brother Steven Ashcraft that came was part of the ceremony.

The Brightland Christian Academy kids, which is an arm in our ministry here in Wotutu, was also part of the youth day celebration for their first time. Exposing the church of Christ in any way we can in this community is our passion. Keep this work in your prayers.

Some of the students and I went during the week to the regional hospital in Limbe to visit our sick sister, sister Martha. Keep her in your prayers.

Some CBIW students went to see an eye doctor because they are having some eye problems. They got reading glasses, but they needed lenses as the doctor prescribed. We had no money to pay for lenses, so we got them reading glasses to enable them read the Bible as they study the Bible. Keep them in your prayers.

1) We are working on the invitation to Ekona congregation for a four days evangelism. Please keep us in your prayers as we finalize that arrangement. Difficulties in transporting the 26 students to and from the place will pose our major problem.

2) We continue to send students to help preach in the new congregation in Mile Four, very close to Wotutu. Next week on Saturday some students and I will go there to do one day evangelism.

3) Next month we shall move to Batoke village for another survey for evangelism to establish a new congregation. Keep us in your prayers.

We praise God for you and your efforts towards this work. God bless and keep you.

We will appreciate you sharing this report with others. God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on February 17, 2013 .