The Freed-Hardeman Lectureship ended last Thursday and the few days we were able to attend was wonderful. We had opportunity to visit with several who are connected to the Extension Program; staff members, teachers, supporters, and good friends. The lessons we were able to hear were excellent as the theme focused on We Will Serve the Lord: Conquest and Deliverance in Joshua and Ruth.
Wednesday, Sheryl and I had opportunity to travel to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, along with Denny Petrillo, Randy Duke, and Cy Stafford. We met with the elders of the Kensington Woods congregation about the work in Arusha, Tanzania. The Kensington Woods congregation is the overseeing congregation for TZ2000, a work that has been a tremendous influence in training men to preach in Tanzania, along with planting and growing congregations to maturity.
Thursday, we traveled to Monroe, Louisiana where I was given opportunity to speak Sunday night at the Jackson Street congregation. A graduate from the BVBID, Travis Bookout, preaches for this wonderful congregation. He and his wife, Lauren, have been in Monroe for about six months and doing a great work. It was a privilege to hear him preach and I was honored to have the opportunity to speak Sunday evening.
The week ahead will take us back to Arkansas where we will meet with supporters of our work. There is an air of excitement in sharing the news about the Extension Program. To recognize the growth within the work demonstrates why this is such a great approach to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Prayer request: The sister of Hawatthia Jones, Linda Kay Jones, passed away last week. Funeral services were held Friday. Please remember Hawatthia and their family in prayer during this time. Hawatthia Jones and Byron Benitez are the founders of ITL in Guatemala City. Their work in Guatemala is well known around the world. The death of his sister was unexpected and certainly a shock to their family.
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
The following report is from Howell Ferguson about the work he is connected with in Gorlovka, Ukraine. To see Howell’s report click here.
The following report is from Gage Coldwater who has been teaching in the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Read the report by clicking here.
Extension Reports
Steven Ashcraft Visits The Work In Cameroon: A recent visit by Steven Ashcraft provided a good perspective of the work in Cameroon.
New Term, New Students, New Roof, More Space: Changes in Takoradi are helping to make the learning environment more conducive.
A Quiet Beginning To The New Year: The work at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Ukraine started the year in a quiet fashion, but it is moving ahead now.
Preparing For The Opening Classes: Everything is being prepared for the first day of classes in Asunción, Paraguay. The growth in South America is exciting.
Devoted To The Ministry Of The Saints: The work in Arusha continues to provide for the needs of the saints and is growing.
Maji Baridi: There are times when the language of the people expresses what we cannot in English. The report from the Gee family shares this thought.
Final Thoughts
Thank you for loving the work of training preachers. Your support through prayer, encouragement, teaching, directing and finance keep this work successful. God is answering prayer and working through you to provide the needs around the world. Thank you for being such a blessing.
God bless