Growing The Kingdom One At A Time...

The week ahead ushers in a new year for our world. The end of one year and the beginning of another brings anticipation of what God will do to grow His kingdom here on earth. We are thankful for the opportunity to participate in what God is doing in each location where we partner with the greatest men and women on earth to provide training for those who are faithful, so that they may teach others also (2 Tim. 2:2).

Reflecting on the past year indicates the wonderful ways God has been involved in supplying the growth, as the seed was planted and watered (1 Co. 3:6). The year end report for each school, and the entire program, will be ready to share with everyone next week; what a great way to begin the new year. A few of those reports are featured this week, but the big picture is forthcoming.

We ask for your continued prayers as we enter a new year of Extension Training. A few great things are planned for the program in 2014 and we hope you will continue to share in the work our God is doing in each location and the locations where schools will be starting.

New students arrive this week in Denver to begin the first part of their journey through the Bible Institute. Classes officially begin on January 6. They would appreciate your prayers also. 

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

Expansion Construction In Cameroon: The development of the program in Cameroon continues, as an expansion of the building moves forward.

Three Rules For Missionaries: As the work grows in Cambodia, the initial plans are being fulfilled in the development of the church and staff of IBISR.

2013 Ends And A New Era Begins: The Visakha Valley Bible College shares news from the past year with anticipation of the year ahead.

A Legacy That Outlives Us All: The report from Arusha concerning the work of the students and graduates of the program is a great legacy.

Final Thoughts
As we enter the new year together, the staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver wants you to know how much we appreciate the encouragement, prayers and support provided to make this work possible. We are fully aware of the contribution each part plays in the development of an extension school. This is a team effort and we are thankful to be fellow-workers in the kingdom. Our God has blessed us richly in the past and we trust He will continue to do so in the future. Our prayer is that God will receive all glory and honor. We simply desire to be His servants.

God bless

Posted on December 29, 2013 .