A Legacy That Outlives Us All...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We are humbled by God’s mercy and generosity. We know without Him nothing “good” is possible. We are humbled by your love, prayers and support of this mission effort in Tanzania. We are humbled to be a part of such an amazing team of co-workers who give sacrificially for the glory of God and to the salvation of many souls. The Tanzania 2000 Mission Team is building a legacy, a legacy of church planting and growth that will out live us all. 

Recently we gathered some information that we believe highlights the good being done and the potential for even greater efforts. We hope that in seeing His mighty hand at work, through your prayers and support, many souls are being saved for eternity. 

•Number of Andrew Connally School of Preaching graduates: 134 (undergraduates), another 20 from the Masters program. 

•We hope to have an intake in Feb. 2014 of 30 new students.

The following are results for the year 2013 from 14 of our graduates
The following combined numbers are from 14 of our graduates (representing about 10% of graduates), representing a small part of the greater good being done. 

•Campaigns - 57

•Baptisms - 278

•New congregations established - 47

•Active Christians - 881

•New born Christians from Christian families - 28

Additional 2013 Highlights from the ACSOP & Tanzania 2000 Mission Team
•Three Safari for Souls campaigns resulting in 84 new converts.

•The annual Tanzania Leadership Conference hosted around 140 participants from over 56 different congregations, and from 7 different nations.

•At this year’s Tanzania Christian Camp we had between 80-90 young boys and girls from many different congregations, with17 souls obeying the Gospel.

•At our annual Future Preacher’s Training Camp this week, we had 15 young men, one obeying the Gospel.

We welcomed our new missionaries: Nathan & Jessica McVeigh and Daniel & Tiffany Gaines (along with their three children) to the TZ200/ACSOP team.

Another great year to be sure, but we firmly believe 2014 has even better things in store for God’s Kingdom’s work here in East Africa. We plead for your continued prayers, support and participation as we work together to “Seek and Save” the lost of this world. 

A very blessed New Year to you all! We love and admire each of you for your work’s sake and for your sacrifice, making the work of God possible.

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on December 29, 2013 .