Graduation Gives 134 Reasons To Be Thankful...

Greetings Fellow Servants:

It always brings joy to our hearts when we think of the amazing work God is doing here in East Africa through His faithful, you! We are very thankful for many things in this missionary life; you are high on that list to be sure. We partner in the greatest labor that can be known, because our God has said so and we know it is to the saving of souls for eternity. 

It was 1998 when we began a new chapter in missions, in Tanzania. To date we have graduated 134 evangelist from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, in partnership with the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver and all our loyal supporters. We have also graduated 20 evangelist with their Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. These men are in the “field of God,” laboring to serve our God and the lost of this world. 

The untold good being done can be seen in two of our graduates: Charles Ogutu and Elias Omolo. These men now serve as Director and Dean at the newly planted sister school, the Kenya School of Preaching. Jimmy and I had the privilege of teaching two Short Courses this past couple of weeks to 13 undergraduates and four graduate students. Yes, the mission efforts are beginning to compound throughout East Africa. 

This year’s graduation was especially dear to myself. As I witnessed the 14 men receive their diplomas, one name really stood out, our dear brother Ayubu (Ki-Swahili for Job). This is one of the two young men who came down from Mt. Meru several years ago telling Francis Wechesa that Moses had sent him down from the mountain to be baptized. Ayubu will be serving the newly planted congregation at White Rose. The other young man’s name is William. William graduated and is serving the Maji ya Chai congregation. Our formally blind brother Moses, who was blind, has gone on to his reward and “sees” perfectly and for eternity! 

Another part of this years graduation was special. Three men from the Arusha Bible School took part in this years graduation. These men began classes two years ago, non-christians, but today they are faithful men of God. One of these men, Amani, is working with Desdery Masaawe at the new Mt. Meru church plant. 

To see God’s mission work mature and to have been a small part of it is a blessing indeed. A very special thank you to our brothers, Tom Brandon and Randy Pyle. Tom, an Elder in the Lord’s Church, and Randy, the minister from the same congregation, have been here at the ACSOP teaching two short courses. We are blessed and yes, very thankful for all the men that have come to teach and train these young men that, in turn, they might teach others. (2 Tim.2.2)

Please say a very special prayer for these graduates and their families as they begin a new chapter in their lives. Also, please remember Sean and Anita as they begin their travels back to TZ. One last prayer request, please remember Randy Pyle at this time. This will be the first holiday season without his wife who passed away earlier this year. 

In closing, let each of us thank our God for who we are and pray He helps us to become the men and women He wants us to be! 

In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on December 1, 2013 .