The Gaines Family Arrives In Tanzania...

Greeting Fellow Servants,

We pray the Lord is blessing your life in a very special way. We hope your life is a life of service to others, to His glory and to the saving of lost souls. We thank you for your prayers. God is faithful and is answering them in a most powerful way. 

Good News: The Gaines have arrived! Amen, Amen, Amen! Daniel, Tiffany, Abby (11 years old), Josiah (2), and Levi (16 months), arrived at 3:40 a.m. Tuesday morning. They were a bit tired but also very excited about this new chapter in their lives. 

We thank God for them, their example and sacrifice. Daniel has dreamed of returning to Africa for many years, having been a “MK” (missionary kid) in Cameroon for three of his early life. Both Daniel and Tiffany are graduates of Freed Hardeman University, Daniel having received his Masters in Ministry and Tiffany her Masters in Education. Please remember this sweet family as they go through the transition of settling in, waiting and clearing of their vehicle, household goods, etc.

Update: We have been raising much needed funds for some special opportunities. One such opportunity is our need to recruit and enroll our largest class to-date at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We needed to raise support for an additional 15 students (30 total). God answered our prayers through His faithful. You have answered our challenge with open hearts, open minds and open hands. We have the needed funds for the 2014 intake, thank you all and may our God bless you richly for your amazing generosity. 

A second challenge we put forth was for our desire to distribute 2,500 bibles in the coming year’s campaigns and evangelistic outreach, here in East Africa. Our goal was to raise the needed $15,000 to purchase the bibles. We only lack $2,750 to reach our stated goal. Thank you all for your cheerful giving, a giving that will indeed “keep on giving”. 

Another great blessing we have received is all the funds needed to complete the (currently printed) Truth for Today Commentary set. The students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching will benefit for years to come as they strive to know our God and His will better, that in turn they might be better equipped in taking the Gospel to the lost of East Africa. Thank you all so very much for making God’s work in Tanzania all it can and should be. 

Prayers Needed: In three weeks 14 faithfully evangelists will graduate the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. These men will return to their home areas, excited, prepared and willing to do the will of the Father. These good men have given of themselves for the past two years, now they are ready to use their talents and knowledge to further the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To everyone who has made this possible, through your prayers and support, we say thank you and thank God for His abundant love, mercy and grace. Till all have heard.......

In Him, 

Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on November 10, 2013 .