Just A Few More Days...Tanzania Chronicles

It is such a blessing to greet you on behalf of Anita and myself. We are packing up and getting ready for our return to Tanzania. We are most excited about our reunion with the mission team and the great brethren from Tanzania. We still have a couple of appointments left before we return and I will be undergoing some camera training for the new production studio at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Needless to say we will be busy right up until our departure.

We offer thanks that Cy Stafford, our mission team leader, has returned safely to Arusha. We were fortunate that, while he was stateside for a whirlwind fundraising trip, he was able to carve out a day we could enjoy some food and fellowship. Cy is a true Barnabas and always leaves people encouraged and motivated to do more in the kingdom.

By the time this report reaches you, Daniel and Tiffany Gaines will have arrived in Tanzania to join the team. Keep them and their children in your prayers as they make the transition to life in a developing country. We know they are up to the challenge and are grateful for their commitment. The Gaines will be a valuable asset to the work and we all look forward to working alongside them.

Lord willing, the next time you hear from us will be from Tanzania. We solicit your prayers as we leave family, friends, and the comforts of home. Until then, take care and God bless.

Yours in Christ,
Sean and Anita Hochdorf 

Posted on November 10, 2013 .