Tony Johnson Arrives In Tamale...

Greetings from Tamale! Here is the latest news from the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies.  

Class Schedule
The summer term at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies began on July 10th with five classes on the schedule for the returning students. The summer term marks the beginning of the students second year at the institute for the twelve students. Classes and instructors for this term are:

1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, taught by Jack Dodgen

Church History, two sessions on Romans, taught by Tony Johnson.

The Institutes regular teachers, Baah Okyere Joseph, Daniel Agyei Mensah, and Jaminja Ndakar will return to their teaching duties during the fall term beginning in September. 

Guest Instructor 
The Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies was blessed to have Jack Dodgen join the staff as a guest instructor for the summer term. Jack is a member of the North MacArthur church of Christ in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and student at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver where he is scheduled to graduate in December of this year. 

Jack had a busy schedule, teaching 22 class sessions (a total of 82.5 classroom hours) in a three week period. During his stay Jack has also been involved with teaching at the Tamale West congregation, and with preaching in the villages of Tijo and Jimla. The Institute would like to thank Jack for his willingness to raise the necessary funds to travel to Tamale and for all of his work while here, and encourage any other teachers who are interested in serving to contact Tony Johnson at 

New Staff Member
Tony Johnson has joined the staff at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies and will assist the school as the Bear Valley coordinator and as a classroom instructor. Tony had previously worked at the Institute for six weeks in June and July 2011 as a guest instructor. 

Tony is a member of the Greenbrier church of Christ in Greenbrier, Arkansas, and works under the oversight of the elders of that congregation. He is a graduate of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver and has also assisted in short term mission works in Matamoros, Mexico, and Iringa, Tanzania.  

Building Update
Work continues on the new home for the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies with plumbing work and concrete plastering scheduled to be done during the last weeks of July, followed by installation of doors and louvers (windows) in August. Current plans are to have the facility ready for students to occupy the dormitory rooms and classroom when they return from their Christmas break in January 2013, but there is much work that must be completed prior to then, including the running of both electricity and water lines to the property. The move will also require a great deal of logistical planning since all of the equipment in use at the current leased school location will have to be moved to the new location, including student and staff furniture, classroom equipment, and water storage tanks. It will be a busy fall as we plan and execute the move. 

Plans are currently being made for two evangelistic campaigns in the coming months. During the last week of August members of the Tamale staff along with some current students will be conducting a campaign in the Sinkasse area, which is located on the border area where Ghana, Togo, and Burkina Faso meet. The purpose of this campaign will be to encourage the Ghanaian Christians in evangelizing and growing the church in Togo. The second campaign is being planned for October and will be for the purpose of planting a church in the Bimbila area of Ghana. This campaign will make use of current students, graduates, and staff members. Look for more information about these campaigns in the coming weeks and months as plans are finalized.

In closing the staff at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies wishes to thank all of those who are supporting the Institute through your prayers and with your financial support. You are making a difference in Northern Ghana and the surrounding countries.

In His service,
Tony Johnson

To view Tony’s report with pictures, click here.

Posted on July 30, 2012 .