Busy In Uganda...

Dear brethren,

The last week went well here in Busia. Our short course teachers are back home and our long course teachers are now here. Brother Peter Ambaka from Lumakanda church of Christ in Western Kenya has come and he is one of our instructors this quarter again. Brother Ambaka is a graduate of  Botswana School of Biblical Studies which moved to Zambia and is called Zambia School of Biblical Studies. He is teaching the One True Church. Brother Raymond Bwambale from Maliba church of Christ in Kasese Western Uganda is teaching Leviticus to Deuteronomy. Samson Omutele is teaching the book of Matthew and brother Ouma Christopher from Bwoya church of Christ in Namayingo District in Uganda here is teaching Joshua Judges and Ruth. 

I am very busy with the administration and we are also working the water harvest system at the school and moving the bee hives from its place to a better place where we are building brick stands. The metal ones which we had prepared are getting broken because of rusting. I have also enrolled with International College of the Bible in the Master’s program which is also keeping me very busy as the lessons are taught over the internet. 

The churches of Christ here are doing fine so far. Bulukuyi is building their temporary building. They still need something like $150 for grass and doors and windows. Junge are still making their bricks. Their building is almost falling. They will be in need of $300 dollars for the iron sheets. They will be building as they have some masons in the congregation. The remaining congregations are still in their needs which I informed you about. We wish you well in the Lord. 

Francis, Margaret, Paul, Edith Mawa Wechesa

Posted on July 30, 2012 .