Visiting Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Calvary greetings to you all in Jesus name. We wish you happy mother’s day over there even though it is a day that many Cameroonians don’t bother to even notice it when it comes around. I wish all you moms God’s richest blessings as you continue to care for your children. My mom is 65 years old now and today, because I went out to preach, I have not wished her anything, but I will do it even after the day she is a wonderful mother. She is 4 years old in the faith and she is growing.

Brother Josh Austin, CBIW coordinator, came in yesterday and today went to one of our newly established congregations in Mondoni village. He taught the congregation during Bible study to always search the scriptures. It was great and 32 souls were there to benefit from such timely teaching. Keep brother Josh in your prayers for good health till he returns after two weeks and his family that he left behind.

The program of CBIW went on well and the students finished their exams without any problems. I pray God blessed them with good health as they start their short course tomorrow and continue to the 15th of June.

The Wotutu congregation and other congregations which we are working with are healthy. I and the students continue to propagate the teaching of using nonalcoholic juice as the Lord supper wine. Some congregations are switching over to the use of non-alcoholic wine on the Lord’s table during communion while others are still resisting. That small percentage of alcohol is not bad, keep the work here in Cameroon in your prayers.

We appreciate God for realizing the vision of organizing a preacher’s wives forum in Cameroon. Change continues to take place in Cameroon as preacher’s wives all over the country who heard about this gathering came for the very first edition with them. Preacher’s wives arise. For years, since the establishment of the Church in Cameroon above 50 years, the wives of preachers were relegated in the background. We are looking forward to a lot of other things that will empower them like adult literacy programs, as a hand full of them have never gone to school. How can they teach others the word if they themselves cannot read the word? Please pray for these sisters and see how you can do something to eradicate their present plight.

The preacher’s wives forum was also a moment of sharing and knowing one another and trying to know how the work is going in different areas and villages in Cameroon. Some told others about the going and how they are of help to their husbands as supporters to foster the work. Keep this vision in your prayers.

They love and appreciate the Wotutu congregation for coming up with a program like this. It was supposed to last 6 hours, but it went up to 10 hours. That made some sisters stay the night in our home and continue the journey the next day. The sisters decided that they will love the program to be an annual event and it will last for 3 days so that many responsibilities they need to know and do it will be discussed. Oh “change will be everywhere because of the coming of CBIW.” Someone prayed like that during the opening day of the school and today we are living witnesses to that prayer.

Even though the Mondoni congregation is young, they are growing well. The spirit of hospitality is part of their lives to always welcome a visitor, even the students of CBIW will always love to go there for weekend evangelism because of their eagerness to grow. Keep them in your prayers so that upon graduation a permanent preacher will go there and growth will be great according to His will.


Brother Josh took a family picture with the six month old congregation of Mondoni. It was great there as there was no translator when he was teaching because they could readily understand him with the American ascend which was just okay for them.

All other students returned safe from their weekend evangelism without any problem, except for brother Manfree who had an accident yesterday with his motor bike. I went to town to go and buy food with his wife who came to visit him, she also sustained some injuries. Please keep them all in your prayers.

1) We are still selecting from the so many demands for our students to come for mission work. Keep praying for the congregations in Cameroon who are eager for the word but the laborers are few. Many have suffered heresies and lack of someone to lead them for years.

2) Our mission to establish a congregation in Batoke is still pending as we keep studying the area.

Many thanks to God for His great care and work in our lives here as we continue to work to make Him known to many. We continue to rob from the strong man’s house. Thank you for allowing God to use you the way He has been using you to accomplish a lot in Cameroon, please continue to make known this work to others who may love to be part of this team for the glory of God.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director of CBIW

Posted on June 3, 2012 .