Challenges For Baptizing...

I have just come back after having a Bible study with some denominational friends. In fact, they had asked me to start with them the study at their place.

It is going well for the past several weeks. We meet every Friday after they come from their offices and this study goes for several hours (at least a couple of hours.) Then they offer supper and talk till late in the night about the Biblical topics. It is group of 4-5 people, but hopefully more people will be joining with the passing of time.

On Wednesday I started a study on FAITH, after finishing a long study of the book of Romans. Sunday morning I am preaching on the different topics of scripture.

Tomorrow, we may baptize 2 students who are ready to obey the Lord. They are first year students and want to obey as soon as possible. There is a big problem of water as the ponds or lakes are not in the nearby areas. We have one in the city, but bathing is not allowed there. We take folks about 7 kilometers out of the city. It costs us too much, but we don’t have the alternative.

We have one student who already has a M.Sc. in Micro-biology and is willing to serve the Lord.


Posted on June 3, 2012 .