Pre-campaign Results Are Fruitful...

Dear Supporters, Family and Friends,

The past week has been so wonderful. The reason it has been is because dozens, maybe even hundreds, of people have heard the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. There was a group of nine from Oklahoma working in Maji ya Chai with William Korio and the brethren there; and a group of six (Forrest and Theresa Rachels, Penny Cabler, and Gary, Rachel and Hannah Box, and Caitlyn Middleton) working with Charles Heberth and the brethren at Kwa Mrombo (in fact, two were baptized there this morning). In addition we had the Akin family (Christ, Beth and Steven) and Kevin Flowers working in Kisongo (you can see their summary-report below). The Oklahoma group has left and is on their way home. We thank God that 23 people were baptized as a result of their work and the pre-campaign work that was done several weeks ahead of time.

Finally, we had the Hoover group arrive on Friday evening. There are 20 great people willing and ready to go to work. They will be working at Kwa Mrombo and other areas. Much pre-campaign work has been done (by those mentioned above as well as others) and I believe we can expect greater things from this area as many plant and water the Gospel seed with God giving the increase.

We say goodbye to the Akin family and Kevin Flowers tomorrow morning. We have included a summary (written by Chris) of their work while here since May 13. It is amazing that it has been a month since they arrived, but, as you can tell from their report, they have not wasted any of their time. They have been good stewards of the month that God has given them here and the money that was contributed was, therefore, well spent. We know that they are thankful to those who helped them to come, some of you who also support us, but we would to express our thanks also for you helping to send them our way. Here is their report: 


How do we put into words the experience that we have had in Kisongo. It is humbling to think about GOD putting the treasure of the gospel in earthen vessels. We are not worthy to share this much joy with others. The privilege that we have been given to be HIS children and to share 'The Truth' with others is indescribable. It is exciting to see people come to understand the word. Four short weeks ago we arrived in Tanzania and the time has slipped by. There is so much left to do that has been started and it pains us to leave. Please pray for those that have been studied with that they will continue in the Truth. By way of summary, this has been our involvement here:

-Fabian and Kevin studied with 22 people in 35 studies, had 2 baptisms, has preached multiple lessons.

-Ahimidiwe and Steven studied with 35 people in 40 studies, had 3 baptisms, has preached multiple lessons.

-Paulina and Beth studied with 12 ladies in 55 studies, had 3 baptisms, taught three ladies classes during the marriage seminar.

-Israel and Chris studied with 35 people, in numerous sessions, 5 were baptized, two men were restored, of the baptisms and restorations there were two couples (it is great to think of them having unity in their homes), studied with those that were baptized to continue "teaching them all things"; set up 8 more people to study with and have not had time to get to them yet, taught 8 lessons at the marriage seminar,  and 1 lesson on JESUS is GOD.

- Some of the studies would have numerous people coming and going and those are not listed. Each of the groups listed above, at times, would have several of our students in each study. It is difficult to describe the sessions without listing each person in each study. The local brethren are set to continue the studies and build up these new Christians. There was the opportunity to help the sick and the local work; we participated in all that we could. This letter is not to sing people's praises, but to let you rejoice with us in the work here, and to give an account for our time. May GOD bless the work here, and your interest in spreading the gospel.

Thank you for sending us.  

In Christian Love,
Kevin Flowers and the Akin's

We are so very appreciative for each of you as you make it possible for us to work here, and to work with such great people as are described above. May God bless you for the sacrifices you make for the sake of the Kingdom.  

In Christ,
Jimmy, Trina and family

P.S. Jimmy will be traveling tomorrow with the Akin family and Kevin. He will be back in the US for several weeks finishing up his schooling(?). Please pray for safe travels for him as well as the others. While Jimmy is gone we may, or may not, send the weekly report. So, don't be alarmed if you do not receive one. :)

Posted on June 10, 2012 .