Greeting Fellow Workers;
Our hope and prayer is that this note finds each of you blessed and in good health. Our God is truly an amazing God, able to do mighty things in the life of His faithful saints. On behalf of the TZ2000 mission team we say thank you, thank you for all you mean and do for God’s mission work here in Tanzania.
The campaign at Kisongo has ended and the best is yet to come. We are grateful for Jimmy’s sister, brother-in-law, nephew and others who have worked diligently for the past four weeks. They have been in the homes of countless, taught a week long seminar on marriage and the family and so much more. The result thus far has manifested in the conversion of 13 souls. Amen!
The campaign at Maji ya Chai has come to an end. Our good brothers and sisters from Elk City, OK, led by Brad Whinery and Rod Minor are on their way home. This is the fifth year they have come to teach the Good News of Christ to the lost and dying of East Africa. Through their commitment, diligent hard work, generosity, and good example, twenty-three souls have given their lives to the Lord.
So many things came together to make this campaign perfect in so many ways. The Church in OK made it possible for the congregation at Maji ya Chai to have a permanent meeting house. This along with two weeks of pre-campaign efforts, the printed page, many prayers and the blessings of God, proved to be a winning formula for success. We anticipate even more good news to come as we continue with the two weeks of follow-up efforts.
The pre-campaign efforts for the Kwa Mrombo have concluded and the campaign will begin Tuesday. Fours souls have obeyed during the pre-campaign efforts being conducted by the local congregation, Gary & Rachel Box, Caitlin Middleton, Forest and Teresa Rachels, Penny Cabler and now we have been blessed with the addition of our Church family from the Hoover, AL.
I received a note from our brother Yusuph Madaki reporting eleven souls being added to the Church at Ushirombo. A note from Innocent, evangelist for the Monduli congregation reported three souls being added to the Church this past week.
Yes, God is alive and well and His Word is having its’ way in Tanzania. Lives are being transformed daily and His Kingdom is growing day by day. We thank each of you for making all this possible. To His glory we say thank you and may your lives be blessed ever more.
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny