As the Bear Valley Church of Christ begins it’s journey into the next 50+ years of serving the Lord, Sheryl and I will soon begin our 5th year working at the Bear Valley Bible Institute and our 4th in the Extension Program. This has and continues to be the greatest work I know. The opportunity to be fellow-workers with the greatest people I know in training men to preach the gospel is nothing short of incredible.
This month the Bible Institute will see another class graduate. It has been an honor and a privilege to have a small part in working with these men over the last two years. It is also encouraging to see them prepare for the work and then enter into the harvest. I ask that you pray for these men and the work they will be doing for our Lord.
I am excited that several of these men have plans to be a part of the Extension program at some level. More than a few have expressed their desire to teach short courses. One will be leaving this summer to work full time with the school in Tamale, Ghana. Several will be working on continuing their education at higher levels. Others will be sharing the gospel of Jesus with the lost throughout this country and assisting congregations in spiritual maturity. All of them will be serving the Lord and helping the Kingdom of our God grow stronger.
As the program in Denver grows, it is also great to see the work growing around the world. To read about the diligent men and women of God working to spread the good news about our Lord and Savior, working together in a global effort to grow the Kingdom, is amazing. I love reading each week how God continues to work mightily through you!
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Click here to read the latest report from Donnie Bates about his trip to Honduras.
Howell Ferguson’s report is located here. Click to view.
Extension Reports
Gospel Brings Two Souls To Christ: The outreach of students in Cameroon continues to bring others to Christ. Two precious souls were added this week.
Ukraine Graduation Is Near: Class is coming to an end as five students prepare to graduate in Gorlovka, Ukraine and enter into the work of our Lord.
ITL Is Reaching Guatemala: The work of students and graduates in Guatemala is making a difference in reaching out to many.
Maturing The Church In Cambodia: As the church continues to mature in the faith, their involvement in supporting local men increases.
Growth And Students Prepare: As the church grows in Uganda, more students prepare themselves for the work.
ACSOP At Work: Previous students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching are making a great difference in Tanzania.
Final Thoughts
A note of gratitude to each of you for the sacrifices you make to see the work of Extension training continue. Several of you are involved in the financial needs of the program. Several are the staff on the ground making the day to day operations function smoothly. Several serve as the hands and feet on the US side to ensure the needs are being met for each location. Several of you are willing to travel and teach. Several of you, if not all, are making requests at the throne of God for the success of this work. Still, there are many who are sharing the news with others and encouraging those who are involved in the Extension program.
Thank you all!! You are needed in every way. I am reminded of how Paul describes the church as a body and how each part is necessary for the body to function as intended. This is true physically and spiritually. It is also true concerning the Extension Program. When everyone is doing their part, this work functions as God intends. Again, thank you!
God bless