Gospel Brings Two Souls To Christ...

Dearest in Christ,

Accept greetings from this end. We do hope you are doing great. We just finished our worship while you are either half way into yours in the USA or almost preparing to go now. We had a great worship service and we wish you same over there.

The work of the school and our congregation here and nearby ones are doing great. The students of CBIW are doing fine in health and studies.

The Wotutu congregation worshiped this day with a dark atmosphere as one of our brothers, Vincent Chamboli, who stayed very close to the church hall lost his daughter of 3 years after suffering from severe anemia. It was really sad to this young couple and to the congregation here in Wotutu.

This week we decided to pay more attention to visiting our Christians who will intend to invite their friends to await our students in their home. The exercise was wonderful and the students and some leaders of Wotutu congregation had ample opportunity to encourage and also share the gospel to some members of the families who are not Christian. The exercise went on well and the Lord added two precious souls into His church in Wotutu.

The gospel was also shared in our young congregation Mondoni village, Tole and Matoh Butu, as 5 students were signed out for weekend evangelism in those locations. Thanks for being part of this work. It is cutting across to many localities and many lives are being touched.

The radio program, through our PA system, is cutting across many in our community and the surrounding villages. Three, first time visitors, came to worship today with the church  here and confessed the truth and exposure of truth from that program. Keep them in your prayers to obey the truth and escape corruption in this world (Acts 2:40).

The students are progressing and we shall start exams for the second quarter on the 28th. Keep the students and staff in your prayers.

1) During the third week of this month we shall move to a new village, Ebnimi, for the establishment of a new congregation there. Keep this work in your prayers.

2) The Batoke mission work is still pending. We are praying to move, but the takeoff seems slow. We do not want to force ourselves to go. God is in control.

3) The preacher’s wife forum will be held in Wotutu on the 31st of May. It will be the first of its kind. Keep it in your prayers, as older preacher’s wives will come and help teach their experiences in the mission field to these young ones before they get there.

4) Please keep my trip to the conference in Zambia in your prayers, as I am having the interest, but the means are not there. If you can be of help then it will make it possible.

Thanks for all you are doing for the work here, God bless you and your entire family. Continue to share this with others who may one day happily be part of the work.

Prayer Request
Please keep me father-in-law, brother Paul Fon, in your prayers. He was diagnosed now for prostate cancer. God bless and watch over you in all your endeavors throughout the week.

Brother Nda Mesach over the weekend went for his traditional marriage with sister Odilia. Keep them in your prayers to be happy as they join together to serve the Lord. I will share pictures of that with you next time.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on May 6, 2012 .